Adele Quested

Nah, Barriston has fulfilled his function as exposition device and told us all the plot relevant backstory he knew - Greyworm has a lot more potential for future plot relevance.

Martin told the showrunners the endgame. A lot of details change on the way, but the ultimate ass on the throne is probably fixed.

In the books you'll probably get your wish. In the show they care too much about narrative economy.

In an episode where someone guts a baby to take out its heart, this is the scene where you nope out?

But she's not going to see her kids grow up one way or the other. So no, I don't think that's the relevant consideration here.

Vanity might be a factor, but so is a remarkable clear-eyedness about her prospects. She knows what she can get and she knows what she wants, and if being a beautiful corpse is it, more power to her.

please let that be true; that would be awesome.

It will signify the return of her memories/her former identity. Also the complete rejection of Frankenstein's Pygmalion efforts. If not, wasted opportunity.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: That accent will be back.

Fair enough

Depends on the people involved.

And yet he doesn't seem to have a second thought about serving those brains to his new paramour, who would get those visions as well and whom he told an entirely different story. He's either fairly shortsighted or a fairly new customer. I'm curious to see how the show is going to resolve this.

His dogged perseverance is growing on me. Also easy on the eyes.

Jonah is less sufferable on a day to day basis, but I like to imagine he might have some scruples left, when it really comes to it. Dan though? I would put nothing past him. He does manage to be funny on purpose on occasion, and as far as fictional characters go, that generally lets you get away with murder.

I already hate her so much. But maybe I'm overidentifying with Amy.

I don't know how is it with you, but my eyes are outside of my vagina.

As I tend to say on such occasions, there's some value in precision, even at the cost of pedantry. People tend to let go off that obsession with lables once they get more confident in their identity, but it can be a useful preliminary stage on that path towards serenity. Certainly seems to inspire a great deal of

Guys can get surprisingly upset whenever girls/women express attraction towards something they're not supposed to find attractive according to conventional wisdom/evo-psych (curiously, quite regardless of whether those guys themselves fit that standard or not). See obsessive hate for teenage-heartrobs who fail to

Yeah, sometimes people just want to insult you. Or, the more charitable reading - some people were raised to read affectionate teasing as a sign of intimacy, not necessarily connected with any ulterior motives. Quasi "Look how close we are; we can afford to insult each other and trust that we don't mean it/won't take

I'm all for appreciating the male body, but the list of body parts I'd rather see more of is long. (Shoulder blades, necks, calves, upper-arms, that v-shape of the groin….)