Adele Quested

It's not unusual that people make sharp distinctions between the things they want in the bedroom and outside of it (think of those much-referenced high level executives who like to pay a domina), but people who think their tastes are universal are truly the worst. Good job not buying into her bullshit.

There are so many things about me that might put me on people's potential block-lists that I wouldn't even know where to start. But I'm also fairly fine with not being everyone's cup of tea and fairly picky myself, so….

Dude, she was probably just trying to neg you. Girls can be douchebags too. Doesn't necessarily mean that she actually cares one way or another.

The risk is pretty high, I think, because young people can be quite desperate for attention and a teacher's attention can feel very flattering. Teachers are more likely to treat you like a grown-up than your own parents, because it's part of their job to challenge you and they have more distance. Any taste of being

I would guess the excitment with these things is generally more about the transgression/exposure/vulnerability/thrill of potential embarassement/proof of trust etc. Since the stakes are just higher for women due to our favourite double standard, dick pics are naturally going to remain more boring for the recipient for

It's a very plausible outcome. I never get any dick pics (and survive just fine), but I get my fair share of opportunities to point and laugh.

tumblr can help: may I interest you in the terms "lithsexual"/"akiosexual" (experiencing attraction without any desire to act on it), and "autochorissexual" (when you don't even feature in your own sexual fantasies). I'm also quite fond of "armchair-sexual" (when you feel the whole affair is just better in theory than

Well, there are people who identify as grey-asexual, who would fit your description. But I suppose asexual without any modifier doesn't include infrequent bouts of sexual attraction; otherwise no one would have felt the need for the distinction.

Oh, snark is rarely ever truly _necessary_. Neither, one might argue, is playing devil's advocate. Last time I checked no one was trying to canonize Joan.

The second paragraph. That's the one with the point. Just in case you're still wondering.

Because he could be an interesting character if someone bothered to give him some lines, dimensions and a plot and it would be just fair to see more efforts made in that regard for actors with features he was born with.

You said it yourself, she gets possessed by powerful demons (who love to make sexual innuendos about every person in the room). Doesn't get any more akward than that.

Of course, because all those women in shows like Girls or Broadcity are always portrayed as infallible. I mean, who would expect women to have a sense of humour anyway? Getting representation of women as three dimensional characters with virtues and vices, portrayed as deserving of attention and even empathy inspite

Aw, thanks. My last few weeks have been full of rather sobering reality checks in my quest for more reliable/gainful employment, so I kinda needed that little ego-boost.

I would have said that making me care about Major is the truly supernatural element of this show. But when you put it like that, it's just really solid writing after all.

I have a pretty fickle libido too, so I relate. People do tend to give one a lot of shit about that, don't they? Maybe I haven't met the right person yet, maybe I'm actually asexual, maybe I'm just repressed (Lord knows, I do have some hang-ups; show me someone who doesn't), maybe I get off on being withholding. I

They do kinda hint of a potentially plot relevant backstory for him, but I really hope it won't amout to too much. I really just want him to be pretty and take care of the kid, so that we don't have to sit through these "threaten-Kira-to-get-at-Sarah"-scenes every episode.

That people have a will of their own and that what seems like the best course of action to you might not seem like the best course of action to someone else? I don't necessarily think that the disregarded parties had objective "reason" on their side in all of these cases.

let's modfiy that to "if you pretend long enough"

She saw potential, which Don has. People still think he might be in grasping reach of redemption at this point. He shared some pretty dark and deep secrets with her. It's not her fault that he couldn't quite go through with it after all and decided to regress to his usual rebranding stick.