Adele Quested

Three faces of Eve. Maiden Mother Crone.

I usually love trying to guess end-games, but I think it's utterly pointless with Mad Men, which is probably why it's one of my all-time favs, because I'm just self-contradictory like that.

By and large, the core appeal of this show has never been about shipping to me, but I'm so not above the Steggy, it's not even fun any more.

That's because Don has a type (for certain purposes), and the waitress fell into it. Midge, Rachel and the waitress can all be grouped under the wider category of brunettes with brains.

I think the very minimal resemblance is actually the point, stressing how much Don is reaching.

I think the point of the episode is that _Don_ is placing too much importance on that resemblance because he can't face that "that's all there is".

It was satisfying, but also kinda tragic. He's never going to write that novel now.

Laugh all you want; this really makes me feel the need to learn how to plate stuff. It seems like an excellent way of tricking yourself into eating more mindfully, which is probably a good habit to get into, even if the stuff you're eating so mindfully may be occassionally junk food. (Also, I'm currently

God, I hope so. Two would be too much, if you ask me.

I will be disappointed if that remains her only tool, but as one among many, why not.

I agree, the spotlight on Robert's hair struck out.

You need to get out more.

Wow, I really need to read more.

We're getting there. Sadly, the Italy thing is more about the general vibe/scenery, so that's a thougher one. Still, A for effort.

Went there as a teenager in August, with my parents and my little brother at peak obnoxiousness. That might have clouded my impression. Definitely need to give Venice another shot.

Part of it is surely the spirit of vacation and the warmer temperatures (I assume it's a different matter if you go there in November for work), but I don't get like that when I go to Malta or Croatia, where the landscape and people are equally pretty.

Reading fast? Sounds like a horrible experience.

Don't worry, unless you've also got the long eyelashes, you're safe.

Well, what does it mean to be "German" or "Austrian" for that matter, apart from being born in a certain place? In terms of culture, mentality, popular stereotypes, people from Upper-Austria and Salzburg tend to have more in common with Bavarians than with the inhabitants of Vienna or Vorarlberg (just as Bavarians

Yeah, I was mostly thinking about my last trip to Florence as well. And Rome is also quite something, of course. Can take or leave Venice.