Adele Quested

Which is exactly what makes the pitch kinda great to me, but it's easy to see why people would see it as a hard to sell.

I'm going to assume the appeal is about the serendipity of unexpected delights rather than the potential consent violation for you, but just for the record, if your intention is to appear _less_creepy, I wouldn't rely on such charitable readings and advise against using the "women who actually want to be sexy are

The best way to deal with feelings, pesky or otherwise, is to be honest about them - mostly to yourself, not necessarily to other people. (Feelings you're unlikely to act upon don't need to be shared, if you ask me, but other people might disagree). Feelings that fester in the shadows are the potentially dangerous

It's usually the cook who lives with them in the parochial house.

- the combination of long eyelashes and hairy hands

They kinda have a point though, and I say this as an Austrian. Mozart was born in the Archbishopric of Salzburg, which was part of Bavaria at the time.

"You saw yourself as weak and conflicted, but to me you were fearless because you dared to question." - I'm not to happy about this latest development because the Ragnar-Athelstan dynamic was one of the main draws of the show for me, but this is a great line.

I spoiled myself for all the published books on a wikepdia/tv-tropes binge, before I had any intention of ever reading the series. I generally do that a lot, read summaries for media I have no intention of eventually consuming, whenever I run into a story, I just need to know how it goes. When browsing the book store

Often, it's about emotional baggage anyway and the technicalities of the act are less relevant. No reason why you shouldn't have something to contribute in that regard.

Oh, absolutely, she'd probably do a bad job. I just speculated she might do it longer than others, because she might be less concerned about what a bad job she's doing.

Honestly, I think she might last longer than many others, because she's ego-centrical enough not to let other people's misery get to her too much.

I was surprised at how attractive I found him in this trailer. Lots of other films with him seem so awful. The Hector-thing… ugh. I once read the blurb for the book it was based and had a reaction of visceral disgust. But apparently he's not tainted forever in my eyes. I have no idea what makes the difference; it's

I said it before, I think the supernatural elements really help me relate to the characters.

Yeah it would have worked better if the writers had given her a personality. She's such a non-entity, that it's really hard to understand how she would inspire such sudden recklessness in Athelstan. It makes him seem implausible at worst, shallow at best.

I guess the show kinda acknowledges that "vikings aren't really monotheists anyway"-angle by having Ragnar, Rollo and Lagertha be so comparatively chill about the whole affair. I agree that Floki's antagonism can't be explained by his religious beliefs (alone). It still might make sense a) from a pragmatic

Funny, with me it's the other way round. (And I'm not exactly a spring chicken either).

There are worse things in the world to be than humourless. Lots of funnier jokes to laugh about too (some of them in this very show. It's not as if I'm calling for a boycott). I guess I just feel I can afford to pass on ironic racism. I simply don't see how it can work without a "Me racist? How absurd"-attitude. For

I've already drafted some fan-fiction in my head where she becomes besties with Kimmy's little sister. They would make for such a wonderfully ill-tempered disgruntled dynamic duo.

Just not a very good one. Seriously, I get that it's supposed to be ironic racism, but I also get why other people who get that don't think that makes it that much better, honestly. There's just something so incredibly self-congratulatory about it. (*Joke's on the everyone who reads it at face value, because we're

pithy, but "a nasty civil war due to a woman wishing to be queen" is a tad simplistic, no? Can't really pin that one down to one party…