Adele Quested

Agree with the poster above- that kind of divergence doesn't seem implausible to me. Human memory just isn't that accurate for most of us. We tend to make the details fit the narrative that suits us best.

To distract herself from the grief that's eating her up, obviously. He's pushy, yes, but considering how she's treated by her boss, she's probably used to men being creepy with her and might not expect all that much better.

Not that it seemed to register much with him. At the end of the day his biggest worries still seemed to be that he didn't get laid…

I have the opposite problem; I believe hers entirely (because it's just so much more plausible to me; there's something so raw about her grief - I just don't think she has the same mental energy for dissimulation), which is probably also against the authorial intent.

He doesn't even talk to his wife about it. Her kid has just faked suicide for attention. Seems like something she might have some interest in knowing. And that's presumably the version of the story where he's trying to make himself look as good as possible.

I like to think that I would do some soul-searching as a parent, if my hypothetical kid somehow got it into his head that this kind of stunt could possible make me "proud".

Yes. It has actors I like and it doesn't go out of its way to insult my intelligence. Sometimes that's really all it takes for me.

I'm not either, personally (I get bored fast, if that's all on display), but just because something doesn't resonate with me doesn't mean it can't see the appeal it might have for others. If you feel very confined by something or other, the mere thought of transgression of any sort might seem liberating.

Reasonable people can disagree about the merits of respectability politics.

Exactly. The short was very sweet and if that makes it a sweet nothing, there's a place for that as well.

Well, I guess we just have to disagree about that. She only looks like a loser to you - I have already given ample explanation why I don't share that perception. (You really still don't see how DePaul's problems in this establishment might be a bit more complicated than "Bureaucracy sucks for everyone"?) She's a

I happen to think a show can be about more than one thing. I also have a hunch that the topic of gender relations might be somewhat inextricable from the topic of sexual disfunctions, seeing how so many people are heterosexual.

Less competent than Masters? Where would you get that idea? Less sucessful, yes, because she never had the sort of mentoring he got, and she's consequently still less well connected. The show is all about how she just doesn't get the same access to ressources. It's a bit of a stretch to translate that to "less

Why on earth would her study not be about legitimately wanting to make people's life better? Seriously, I have no idea what you're talking about here.

Which makes her so special to me. Properly socially awkward women are severely under-represented on TV.

I might watch this, because it looks pretty and I'm shallow, but I also see no harm in pointing out the orientalism involved. Although I have some hope there might be more nuance to if after all in the finished product, because I'm an eternal optimist.

If the script is not too cringe-worthy, I could well see myself watching this for the visuals.

Artistic quality is not necessarily decided by majority vote and the critical complaint you quoted sounds more like an issue with the writing to me. Unless you want to suggest that the critic in question would have surely seen the humour in that character "getting passed around" in the limo, if the character had been

I read Boccacio before a trip to Florenz. Put me in the weirdest mood. Didn't act on it though - let's say because I was travelling with my parents. I mean, not that I would have been any more adventurous without them, realistically, but still.

Also, other shirtless activities, one should hope. If they don't make his bisexuality canon, I will cry havoc and let slip the fangirls of tumblr.