Adele Quested

Somehow I got the sense he's the kind of guy who wouldn't be too good about cleaning up his own mess, so I can sorta see where the shower suggestion is coming from. If you're the one stuck with all the household chores, you get pragmatic about these things.

I agree it would have looked better to at least suggest trying it, but I think it's also important to suggest further steps in case the conversations fails to accomplish anything, which I consider highly likely.

Really? You think that's going to be a productive conversation with a guy who proclaims that a husband should never have to masturbate?

It's a great language. I feel a bit perverted to cheat on it with English all the time.

There's a neat expression in German for that kind of (involuntary?) (self-)demasking: "bis zur Kenntlichkeit entstellt" - (defaced to recognizability).

Not necessarily. We've come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. Some people are a bit more circumspect about it nowadays, fearing the spectre of political correctness, but not very far below the surface the mentalities of the fifties are alive and kicking in many places. If that's not your experience,

Patriarchy. It's not a coincidence that so many women go to absurd/tragic lengths for male validation. We're raised that way. Not everyone can override their entire socialization at twenty.

They probably wouldn't in Denmark!

But it makes sense to give young people a wider margin of error.

I'm sorry that you didn't get a job with your new degree, because that sucks. But at the same time, I can't help being a little glad that you might go back into law enforcement, because law enforcement needs more people like you. (Then again, so do other areas of law. I do hope that degree will eventually pay off for

Michael PItt as Curt Cobain looks like a young Christoph Walz. Maybe it's the blond hair.

Nope, that was strictly about relationship status. (He already has a girlfriend, it's not as if he's going to be completely starved with regard to all intimacy when the affair doesn't work out.) Haven't thought it through with regard to all other potential complications, to be honest. I have a lot of sympathy for

Oh, for fuck's sake, ditching a guy after learning he's in an open relationship is not "being scared off by his relationship status" - That's not about fear, that's about knowing what you want, in case what you want is something with the potential for longterm-commitment and sexual exclusivity down the line.

Travis Fimmel projects way too much cunning and intellectual curiosity for Victarion.

I get that they needed someone for Myrcella to get engaged to, which is why it was necessary to introduce Trystane, but still. Arianne might not have been very relevant to the larger plot so far (and might never be, if they cut Aegon; or have another Sand Snake court him), but it think she was crucial for some of the

But that's entirely the point of Victarion, that he's so profoundly charmless. I would hate if they changed that for the show. He needs to be brutish, touchy, lack all self awareness and must not show the slightest spark of wit.

Or because they're set up to do a lot _eventually_, which the showrunners would know since Martin has told them the ending. I'm guessing the show will fast-forward to those part (or give them some perfunctory storylines like Asha's aborted rescue mission or Jon Snow's attack on Craster's Keep until then).

Well, yes, on _ certain_ levels and this review actually acknowledges this. Allen gets compared to Lubitsch here after all. But it's also the job of the critic to point out those other levels on which it isn't all that enjoyable any more, and Allen's increasingly tedious May-December-romance fixation is argueably one

Yeah, well that's just your opinion, man.

You seriously expect objectivity in criticism of art? The trick is not to have no biases but to accurately determine and acknowledge them.