Adele Quested

There might have been reasons to hide Robert's bastards - from Cersei. But from Robert himself?

You seem to have a very mature take on this and I suspect she probably has too, otherwise you wouldn't have picked each other in the first place. So my crazy drama scenarios are pretty certainly unfounded. I know it sounds like some cheap bromide from some random stranger on the internet, but I really think you'll be

But when they fail to hide it they fail in the worst possible way. All those mass shootings/killing sprees don't happen because guys are so secure in themselves…..that said, you don't have to go to the extreme cases to notice the woeful effects of the insufficiently coddled male ego. Only it's usually framed in terms

I think you have all the right instincts here - getting some distance before trying a platonic friendship is definitely the right idea, and so is keeping busy. (Nothing wrong about a little distraction; I'm just very sceptical about any advice to force yourself back on the market too soon). Of course I don't know

I normally hate the Phyllis Schlafly type with the hotness of a thousand suns, but I'd love to see that play out with Betty if that's where they are going with her on Mad Men. I mean, I'm deeply grateful that I don't have any Betties in my closer family, but as a fictional character, she won me over when she aimed

It's misogyny to ignore the large number of men who do that as well. Relying to heavily on external validation is an anthropological constant if ever there was one.

Counterpoint: I had a good friend in college who was extremly conventionally attractive and had suitors lined up from here to Tokyio at any given moment. It took her almost two years to get over her first boyfriend, although she could have replaced him in a heartbeat.

Keep fighting the good fight. You always have to remember that those endless arguments with lost causes are not just for their benefit - they're usually beyond hope - but for the benefit of every other sane person who accidentially wanders into those parts of the comment section and would otherwise despair over the

Tony, Walter and Don get away with so much bullshit because of their charisma, but Johnson really hasn't much charisma at all, which is an interesting variation. I disagree with Sonia that the greatest joy of the show is watching Masters and Johnson with each other - so far I've enjoyed both a lot more when

Am I the only one who actually got more invested in Betty once she divorced Don?

To be fair, it's more of an honor to be snubbed by an institution that also snubs The Americans and Orphan Black.

This is an excellent point. I wouldn't have watched this one anyway, because of the whitewashing, but I'm going to make this my knock-out criterion for all adaptions to come. Why would you waste the opportunity to throw in a little King's Speech character arc?

I wish. Fingers crossed.

Martin's no Nabokov or Toni Morrison, but he's worlds above Robert Jordan or Terry Goodkind, I think. Apart from a certain obsession with descriptions of food and character catch-phrases, it's prose that largely doesn't draw attention to itself, which seem well suited for that kind of narrative. I think Martin doesn't

Exactly, Vincent didn't care enough to allow the same excuses for her "passivity" that he allowed for his own, which is precisely my problem with him.

In that scene we clearly see that Maude is not on board with Simon's reaction. She initally stays back when he storms off and only follows after he he insists rather fervently. Vincent's own protest in that scene isn't that much more pronounced/sustained, if you ask me.

Yeah, reading up on it, I've seen someone else comment that it _is_ pretty much catholic SOP to ask that particular question, since the possessed's genuine desire to rid themselves of the possessor is apparently a prerequisite for successful exorcism.

Glad to hear all's well with the blood! And thanks for the short-story recommendation - I actually remember reading that story and liking it a lot. I haven't been reading strangehorizons lately and this is a nice reminder to drop by.

I'd say it's a near certainty. Mina explicitely told them the Master had plans for the party before she was gunned down.

I just have a link to a still, sadly.