Adele Quested

Really? You haven't noticed that pattern? Wow.

Just in case you were trying to make an actual point.

I strongly suspect that most reported cases of love at first sight are results of back-formation (and the Texas Sharp shooter fallacy), but I've definitely experienced something like instant chemistry on rare occasions. I'm usually very slow to warm up to people, but sometimes you just click. Doesn't say anything

Yeah, I guess we're pretty much on the same page after all. I'm very much against the idea of meaningless sex personally, but the meaning doesn't always have to be "we're destined for each other". Many people seem to have a rather limited idea of what constitutes a meaningful connection - a great likelihood that there

Do you have any pronounced preferences in terms of sexual orientation? Did you try out the other option before you came to that conclusion?

Seems to me like he quite successfully made his peace with the consequences of his choice. "Any port in a storm" just doesn't work for everyone.

I think "casual" is fine, but I wouldn't recommend random. There's much to be said for remaining picky, even if one feels one can't afford it. I'd never argue that every sexual partner has to be a soulmate/the potential love of your life, but there has to be some spark, some chemistry at least. And some people just

Tell me about it. Unresolved sexual tension, delayed/denied gratification is a shitty way of life, but often such a delicious element of any sort of fiction.

Touché. It does make sense for the characters; it does make sense for a Victorian setting and I should really resist the temptation to bring contemporary sensibilities to it. I guess my beef is with Victorian mores, not with the show itself.

It's a nice example but it does nothing to disprove the more general point that reducing your moral obligations to your own conveniently idiosyncratic code is a luxury _mostly (albeit not entirely exclusively)_ reserved for male characters.

But who is Mina leaving exactly? As I said, Sir Malcolm and Peter aren't there to be left, and mother seemed a bit like a non-entity.

Also, I see how Vanessa's transgression destroys the neighbourly relations, but I don't quite see how they alienate Mina from her own family, just because Sir Malcolm says so. All the misery can be blamed on the outsider, and they are probably sufficiently united against Vanessa. I did not necessarily get the idea

I get it's all very inconvenient - my complaint was not about a lack of plausibility; it's just "psychosexual horror" raised different expectations.

Well, as I said, it does hang together plausibly enough; it's still quite mundane. I just feel that stealing the fiancé is a "fallen woman, shunned by polite society, maybe self-exiled to Europe" sort of a transgression, not quite on the "inviting the devil in"-level. Vanessa had now way of knowing that Mina's next

But she could have gone on to marry so many other guys instead! I get the scandal of the ruined engagement/neighbourly relationship, but I find the connection to the Dracula abduction rather tenuous.

I really hope that they don't write out the character so quickly. At the very least he needs to appear in Sembene's flashback episode, which we probably won't get before next season, seeing how the show had better start building to a proper series finale next episode.

He did say he would kill the world for Mina. He may well end up in a position to actually do so at some point.

I don't think that Vanessa was hitting on Brandon to spite Mina, necessarily. That seems to me more like a spur of the moment decision born out of long pent-up sexual frustration without any conscious consideration of Mina at all. A girl of Vanessa's social class would have had very limited opportunities. We know

I'm glad that there was no incest, but I'm almost a bit disappointed that Sir Malcolm's transgression amounts to mere adultery and Vanessa's betrayal was something as mundane as fucking the fiancé. I had much more lurid theories and now I'm kinda embarrassed. Someone else mentionned that it's the most predictable

I buy that people who witness something like Vanessa's possession might just prefer to buy into any rationalization or pretend it never happened/was all in good fun. Never underestimate the human inclination to sweep disturbing experiences under the rug.