Adele Quested

But the brony-phenomenon is not just about tribalism in general, but about this weird voluntary gender self-seggregation in particular.

Well, in Ovid's versions of the myth, Medusa _did_ get transformed from mere maiden to monster because she pissed of Athena (by "allowing" herself to be raped in Athena's temple by Poseidon; can you spell "internalized misogyny", Athena?).

It's true that the show is in no hurry to tie various narrative strands together, but it's so well-made in most other aspects that I trust the writer to know what he's doing. That said, I also like Infinite Jest and the last two installments of a Song of Ice and Fire; I obviously have a higher tolerance for disparate

Well, my main take-away from the novel was "Bored people are boing", so based on that alone I would have been poised to agree. It's hard to see a purpose for this kind of character apart from eyecandy. Yet somehow, it works for me on Penny Dreadful. The show portrays Dorian as a bored child, who likes to play with

Oh I hope so!

Me to. So much to love in this episode, I don't care about a lack of plot developments. Yeah, so Chandler is probably a werewolf, called it in episode one, have never been exactly holding my breath for that reveal. I just want to hang out with these characters and if that involves listening to them bantering unsubtly

Finger's crossed! I do agree that it would say something bad about the production if they can't give her a memorable scene.

The greatest actress can't accomplish much if she's not given something to work with - and that something doesn't necessarily have to be a long-winded monologue and a lot of screen-time, but it does have to show-case some amount of agency. But as I said, I've resolved to be optimistic, so fingers crossed.

And yet they're so rarely the ones who become iconic. Because the writers usually don't equip them with the necessary aura of mystery. I really hope that these films will break the mold in that regard.

I can't tell whether you're being ironic, but that's okay, because I'm not entirely sure whether I was being ironic either. Part of me feels like this would be something ridiculously modest to hope for in terms of representation, part of me feels it would be just legit nice to get at least that.

Screw it, I'm going to be optimistic about this. Ideally, they'll have juicy roles with more than three lines of dialogue and maybe even something like the hint of a character arc. And don't forget that even a character with little screentime can leave a big impression. At the very least, I would want Gwendolyn

How? Without Winterfell, Sansa's claim is a mere formality. The Vale armies aren't going to march on King's Landing (or Winterfell for that matter). And if they did, that would only help to solidify the alliance between the Lannisters, the Boltons, and the Tyrells, which should otherwise already start to crumble

But it's too early and too risky at this point in the story. So far LF has succeeded by people consistently underestimating him. I don't think he'll openly challenge the powers that be any time soon - he will only do so, when all the advantages are with him, and that's simply not yet the case right now.

Possible. And it's also possible that he doesn't worry about Cersei's wrath, because Eeryie, impregnable, etc. (In the books though they have to leave the castle eventually because it becomes inhospitable in winter).

Bolton's warden status may be bullshit, but it still kinda matters who sits in Winterfell.

Oh, absolutely, but I think it's fair to conclude that it won't be quite the game changer people thought it might be. In the books, Littlefinger also said he wanted to eventually retake Winterfell for Sansa, but I seriously doubt that we're going to see the Vale armies march on Winterfell in the next season, since I'm

I suspect that this is one of those moments when the show is spoiling the books, anticipating something that hasn't happened yet. It's quite possible that Littlefinger will get in some guilt-tripping when Sansa reveals her true identity in Winds of Winter.

Hmm, looks like Sansa revealing herself to the Lords of Vale won't be quite the game changer certain fan theories would have had you believe. It's to save Littlefinger's hide, not to finally turn the Vale Lords against him. And it probably won't immediately inspire them to take up arms against the Boltons.

They've already cast the High Septon and the Septa who's going to look after Cersei. If anything, I suspect they might play it up.

Even Joffrey cared about Robert's approval.