Adele Quested

Feeling worthless is feeling worthless, I don't really get the relevance of the distinction for the purpose of this argument.

Why is "people sometimes overlook assholish tendencies in their partners, because they believe they can't do any better" relevant to your argument and not mine? All I'm saying is that that I don't get the male bafflement at women putting up with assholes, when men do exactly the same thing for various reasons (because

Hope springs eternal.

Well, but that's a standard motivation for people to remain in abusive relationships: the abusive partner usually convinces you that no one else would have you.

well, yes, she's doing her femme fatale act and clearly that's what he's picking up, but I don't think that at this point they're really fooling each other. It feels a bit more like going through the motions to me. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking, because I really hope nothing will come of it. I mean, there's a

There's a difference between "wouldn't kick her out of bed" and "pining", and people usually still do the later even in addition to a more general "any port in a storm"-mentality.

More often than you might think. (And if not, the discrepancy is often due to a lack of opportunity, not inclination. They may not be getting to take those horrible women to dinner, but they're certainly pining for them.)

Well, that was OP's argument, not mine. Just pointing out that the lack of feminist approval can't be the decisive factor here.

I guess it's just how in German-speaking countries, you're apparently supposed to be insulted when someone calls you a "Gutmensch" (which literally translates to "good person", for the record). The idea is that you're holier-than-thou, dangerously naive and probably a hypocrite. Of course acting all morally superior

Don't whine, do it better. You don't have to leave dealing with the slime to the "SWJ-brigade", if their approach bothers you so much.

It's kinda funny, because I really don't think he's supposed to be a "fat" character in The Mindy Project.

Men who "call out" women for being crazy, psycho, clingy, hysterical, gold-diggers etc. also won't get any feminist cookies any time soon, and yet that never stops them……

I mean I get it; conventionaly attractive people get away with more bullshit. You're cute, you get a wider margin of error. And that's okay, actually. I'd love for everyone to get a wider margin of error because that's something we all could use, but I don't even want to get away with bullshit; I think being a

It's a point that bears repeating.

Or maybe not. "Had we but world enough and time…"

I'm betting the Lovers are not going to be literal. That's a typical rookie-tarot mistake. Just like Death is generally a much less unsettling card to draw than the Hanged Man. On a more abstract level, the Lovers often stands for ambivalence/duality/choice.

Such a pity. I saw the first two episodes and wasn't hooked enough to make it appointment TV but I planned to watch the rest of it later and was looking forward to reading the reviews then.

I know right! And yet… HBO CEO of Tits is a thing. I don't get it either.

Typing in Ramsay/Reek and Ramsay/Myranda in the Archives of Our Own Search Function takes a couple of seconds. They'll list the number of works for each pairing automatically; it's not as if you have to count them yourself.

Unlike you, I don't have to project; I just look at the numbers.