Adele Quested

Can't wait to come back to you after I've watched!

But the injured hand? And the frequent need to stich up the clothes? And his guilty look at the crime scene?

Didn't say that there was no way to salvage it at this point. Just pointing out that it's not just a matter of screentime.

Finger's crossed! I loved her chapters in the books.

I've always thought that there's not such a big difference between Bronn and Shae, actually - standing by Tyrion would be even more suicidal for her than for Bronn in this situation, but Tyrion himself evidently views it very differently. Shae didn't just switch sides, she also broke his heart/hurt his pride, which is

He will follow the money, but he does name Lolly's child after Tyrion (mostly to piss of Cersei, I guess, but it does suggest some affection on his part). The sympathy is there, it's just not his guiding principle.

Or because she doesn't want to be killed.

Just another step towards the Mary-Suification of Tyrion. In the books Shae was fairly transparent and Tyrion seemed properly delusional about her from the start. I was rather wary when they seemed to turn Shae into a hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold cliché (to make Tyrion seem less shallow/desperate, presumably), but I

Bronn is a supporting character too, and yet he gets to be consistent at least. This is not just a matter of quantity/screentime but also a matter of quality/not undermining the character's previous characterization.

I do a lot of side-eying of Stannis fans, because they can be quite obnoxious in their fervor, but I do get it on some level.

That demographic you're alluding to ships Ramsay with Theon. Murdergirlfriend was aided for the sake of the boob-quota, pandering to the demographic the show is already pandering to anyway.

Claiming to do it all "for the family", when he's really just after the glory for his legacy.

They probably didn't want to give her the Queensmoot story she had in the books, because it would have taken up more screentime and necessitated the casting of too many new characters (who wouldn't have anything else to do for the rest of the season*)/scouting of a new location, etc. But they needed to remind us that

You do realize they'd probably kill her if she doesn't play along?

The Yara rescue mission was pure water-threading - the only point was to remind us that Theon has a sister. It's a bit of a character assassination of Ahsa/Yara sadly - the whole plan was ill-conceived and then she gives up rather quickly.

IIRC, Tyrion asks him to fight for him in the Trial by Combat, but Bronn refuses, because Cersei has the better offer (arranging a marriage with Lollys Stokeworth). But he doesn't directly betray Tyrion or something, he just jumps ship out of opportunism and Tyrion doesn't seem to hold it against him much. In Tyrion's

Don't jump the gun - it's more fun if there's some build up.

I think he's a werewolf.

In the show, they already had Varys trying to buy her off with promises of riches and safety in Pentos, which sounds a lot cushier than playing the handmaiden for your lover's actual wife while being under constant threat of death and torture from his sociopathic relatives.

Hindsight is twenty-twenty.