
Can we not call two people raping another person a theesome? Jesus.

I’m sure deep down she really respects your need to remain morally pure.

Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.

Really succinct example. I think it’s super common for men to be so oblivious!!! Also, they def expect GRATITUDE when they go out of their way or even just do what you asked for politely.

Or how about the feigned ignorance to get out of anything? “How do I make spaghetti? So I put the water in the pot? How much? What is ‘boiling?’” I’ve found myself yelling “I REFUSE TO BELIEVE YOU ARE THIS INCOMPETENT” to soooo many men (my father, brother, husband, some random co-workers, etc.)


I’m interested the most in hearing everyone’s smallest ones. One of mine, for example:

Sean is somewhere trying to mansplain to his mother how this hurts him, in his special manly place.

did you watch miss america last night? (i did. why, i don’t know.) but ciara was a judge and some bitch said all lives matter and i thought she and gabby douglas and sara foster were gonna explode.

Seriously, you’re doing too much. Don’t do anything

Just wanted to go on record and tell you all that In Her Shoes is one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time.


But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.

I lived in London during the time of the murder and the press coverage was absolutely appalling. And it definitely affected public perception of Amanda Knox. I had co-workers joke all the time about how she was “hot for a psychopath” and that sort of shit.

Yes, and that is why I was a little hesitant to post — at the time, whenever somebody would say, “Uh hey, maybe she is innocent?” Eighty buhjillion freaked-out Brits would appear saying things like “WEEL I HOPE SOMEONE KILLS YOU AND LETS SEE HOW YER MUM LIKES IT!!!!!!!!! YER DEVIL-FUCKING GIRLFRIEND FOXY KNOXY IS A

I don’t either. From everything I’ve read they had no evidence and tried to make bizarre claims to explain it away. The whole devil sex cult idea was deranged.

I’ve read so much about this case and simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND how so many people still think she’s guilty. Maybe it’s because I lived in Italy and can totally imagine how convoluted the entire justice system is. Italy has had like 60 governments since WWII. Only one Italian government has lasted a full five-year term

He’s giving me kinda cute TA from your political science recitation who still shows up to undergraduate parties but is also a real man, unlike all these college boys.