
I’ve been seeing her all weekend on Netflix. She’s taken over my life and I’m ok with that. also, how freaking awesome is Stranger Things? I have one more episode left. So. Good.

A story about Peter and Harry Brant from the comments of a 2012 Jezebel story about Peter (…), which I immediately thought of because the amount of utterly clueless privilege is just painful:

I’m getting a strong “wannabe Winona Ryder” vibe.

The lip color/shirt doesn’t really work with his coloring, and he’s wearing way too much foundation or concealer or spackle or whatever that is.

I’ve never used it but there were times in the past that I didn’t speak up when I heard someone else use it. To this day I’m ashamed of my cowardice. I try to give myself a break with “I was younger and not self-confident and blah blah” but it really was just that I didn’t want the person to not like me. This is the

And they say that WE look alike! :-/ I can only hope that she really means it when she says that she has grown and changed. I'd feel better if she denounced racist language...

Not headed for Harvard this fall. She’s taking a gap year and working at, I believe, the US Embassy in Spain. (I know more about the Obama family than I know about my own sometimes)...

It’s really amazing. It’s especially frustrating to consider the fact that This American Life gets constant criticism for the vocal fry that their female contributors exhibit, but IRA GLASS—who has like a textbook example of vocal fry—never gets criticized for it.

What a coincidence! It just so happens that there’s virtually always something objectionable about the voices of women who speak up in public. I’m sure it has nothing to do with internalized sexism. Just like how women are criticized for every vocal trait imaginable—saying “like” too much, upspeak, vocal fry—while men

Ironically, the Right and Country Music in general have their own version of political correctness. The Dixie Chicks dared to say what they think, and despite that their views were aligned with the majority of Americans, they offended the Right’s sense of what is politically correct and they were blacklisted from the

All the stars.

This quote from Neil Gaiman about political correctness has stuck with me:

For the first time in history, white men have to occasionally, just a tiny bit, think before they speak and be questioned about their words and beliefs. This is the “political correctness” everyone is whining about. How dare people that they’ve always been able to oppress, insult, laugh at, or dismiss demand respect

“Political correctness” has existed as long as humans have. There have always been people you didn’t dare disrespect. The only difference now is, more people are demanding their rightful respect. Boo hoo.

When people discuss the privilege behind #BernieorBust, she is exactly who they are talking about.

Whenever I’m not sure about my opinion on something I Google to see what Shailene Woodley’s stance on it is. After finding out, I take the opposite side and am comfortable in assuming I am right. Never fails me.

Why are you asking a question you know the answer to? This is peak white maleness.

Not just you.

love it. she must have been quite fed up, trying to talk over the loudest people in the room. remember folks, 300 people shouting is louder than 3000 people being quiet. Bernie/third party voters are out-numbered, and they’re screaming awful loud.