
Yes, we can apply it to a lot of things. “Everyone is a responsible banana eater until suddenly they aren’t.”

(Legal) narcotics aren’t inherently incompatible with breastfeeding, they just require more evaluation and monitoring.

Those were my thoughts too. 12 hours seems relatively logical considering booze is out almost as fast as it goes in and you can take all kinds of crazy shit while breastfeeding.... Including some pretty heavy painkillers.

Hear me out on this; is this really worse than women that drink while breastfeeding? You drink, you wait, you pump and dump, you’re golden. She just misjudged her time frame in the extreme which is a shame. But if she’d done this with alcohol would it even be news? Also don’t fucking concern troll me, I’m not

Is that something we should worry about? I literally put EVERYTHING into my search history. Like “how long would it take for someone to die if you cut their hands and feet off” but like...I just started watching “slasher” and was CURIOUS-how much cocaine can you do and breastfeed seems like a totally normal thing to

Not trying to be crass or ignorant right now, but what is the wait time on cocaine use and breastfeeding?

I’m still sad Lord&Taylor didn’t catch on.

“her first job (at Contempo Casuals!)”

who are these women who can go a whole week and save their blowout? do they not workout? if they workout, do they not sweat? do they not sleep wrong and wake up with the cowlick? how do they go outside in the summer and not turn into a damp rag?

Oh come on. You do realize that a gun is much more effective, much more deadly than most “other means” and suicide is often an impulse act. This whole “Gee, he would have found another way,” is one of the most bullshit arguments of all. If that’s the case, why do we bother with ANY security? Why do we try to keep guns

The thing about the ‘well they would have found another way’ crap is that it isn’t anymore true than your claim that including suicides is crap.

<i> What are the chances of your child being killed by a gun during a playdate, and how does that compare to the likelihood of other playdate </I>

That is not true. Limiting access to guns will affect those who have a short-term down turn by removing a method with a high perceived level of certainty and short planning stage, much like limiting access to lethal drugs does.

All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.

How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!

pro: LGBT people can win pageants now

“Congratulations! You’ve won a ticket out of Missouri!”

He’s said he doesn’t want Trump to win.

Yeah, people’s perspectives tend to change once you use misrepresentations to justify your supporters’ use of misogyny and threats and then refuse to concede after you’ve lost.