
What Sully did is an entire different category than what happened here in my opinion.

I bet he did not enjoy his trip.


Now this is a stock car.

Found the guy who works at the dealership!

That means they didn’t read my feedback.

Second photo in the article, right after talking about screams in his head...

Oh hell yes - nice square old-school SUV with a stick and in good shape, for close to “what the hell” money. NP all day

It was the Os Johnny had trouble with. He had no trouble with the Xs.

He was doing 150 in a Mustang on a perfectly straight road, and managed to escape instead of suddenly veering to the right and mowing down a crowd of people. He’s got to at least be in the top 10-15% of Mustang drivers in terms of skill.

Well, they are no longer blue jeans for sure.

I think that could be removed...

I didn’t get here soon enough for that.

Now playing

The last time I saw green clouds (2013) this happened.

The rears are fine, I like they kept the rears streamlined and simple. Unlike some other cars you can really over do it..

If it was haggis it would have improved the flavor.

Manhatten clam chowder is a lie.


I worked on a WI radio station where the morning News woman LIVED for these stories. “Now in ‘stuff spilled on the highway’...” i send her the links now even though I’m now in FL. (and we’re coworkers again since we work for the same company - and it’s not CC/iheart - thank GOD).