
[Developer] Hi Dan, this extension is free of cost, free of ads and also open source (source code linked below). I actually tried to make the user experience better by minimizing the number of clicks or steps a user has to go through but there is always room for improvement. Try using it once and let me how if you

Thanks for your interest. I dont have a specific email list for this yet but feel free to follow me on Twitter:

[Developer] Hi Rae, the Firefox addon is coming soon. I first published it for Chrome because it is easy to push through Chrome’s automated testing. It may take a couple of weeks until the Firefox version is released but no Safari version anytime soon as Apple charges $100 per year from developers even for the free

Wolfram engine is the only reason I keep Raspbian on my Pi. Otherwise I would have used Arch or Lubuntu. Libreoffice I can understand is not necessary for an embedded system but Wolfram engine is a great addition. Yes, you can save space by keeping on removing things but what is the advantage of using Raspbian when it