darryl's strawberries

I feel like there is a certain personality type or something, that can’t fathom anything other than a traditional 1 on 1 monogamous relationship, something that you’re supposed to devote your life to and have children and work through all the difficulties and issues that come with it - and that’s how you find real

See, the thing is though, is that you have no idea what you are talking about.

They are really good about these topics because I feel like it’s always very clear that the butt of the joke is the Gang. Like, they give voice to these ridiculously stupid opinions, but they are coming from a group of people who are just so blatantly idiotic and reprehensible that it undermines everything they say.

I mean, there are plenty of stupid women...probably far fewer than there are men, but they do exist...a lot of them are probably in the LSU Greek system, for starters.

I’m white middle class and close to 30 yada yada yada, but I’m single... and I still feel pressure from the coupled adults in my life that I should be living the life described in this article, otherwise I’m not “Grown Up.” Like I’m single, do what I want, spend my money how I want, eat what I want, date who I want,