If the 4th best game of all time (according to Metacritic) isn’t a system-seller then I don’t know what is.
If the 4th best game of all time (according to Metacritic) isn’t a system-seller then I don’t know what is.
After loving Bloodborne’s (souls games in general but BB is the one I’ve played) lack of a HUD I’m excited to try it out in BotW!
If you’re not planning on waiting for a while before buying, the PS4 definitely has a much stronger library both in terms of exclusives, 3rd party AAA support and indie games, and a bunch of your friends probably have PS4's already. But if you either really appreciate the portability or NIntendo’s 1st party titles you…
I’ve been conflicted between getting this or Horizon: Zero Dawn. I have access to both Wii U and PS4, but before reading this I couldn’t think of a way that BotW could be better than Horizon. However, after reading this I’m totally intrigued. It almost sounds like “emergent gameplay,” which sounded dumb before but…
I’m having Vita and Wii U flashbacks.
Well no. It’ll probably less underpowered than the Wii was compared to the X360 and PS3, but Switch isn’t going to be at the same level as current gen. I think it’ll do better initially as an ultra-powerful handheld that doesn’t have to compete for first party support with a console. If it sells well enough, devs will…
So if you’re not an ‘SJW’ (I hate using the term because it’s vague and a label, and people make assumptions about you if you use it), then you don’t “have some basic form of empathy for other people?” That seems wrong. Also, just assuming that he has relationship issues seems a bit judgmental.
Ugh, the psychologist saying “the fantasy becomes a bit indistinguishable from reality” makes my blood boil.
More like “We’ve already taken several steps to emulate other game companies like ditching backwards compatibility, charging for online play, and having a crap launch lineup - why not go the extra mile and make part of the new Zelda DLC, too?”
The character designs are awesome! And yeah they have to make the same voice line work with multiple lines by different characters, but I thought the interactions were really cool especially given the vast number of them!
The only one that bugs me so far is Catwoman, but my friends think Superman looks like a doofus as well.
Overall it’s shitty that even Nintendo has stooped to this level, and for a Legend of Zelda game no less. But on the bright side $20 is really cheap compared to the $40 of most season passes nowadays.
OK politics aside (not that I have a problem with politics in games journalism) this bundle is AMAZING.
I’ve used it on PS4 a couple times, but it’s easier to just run and grab my laptop or pull out my phone.
He wasn’t saying that Kotaku should support Nazis or respect their opinions! He was trying to point out that Kotaku telling people to go out punching Nazis won’t solve anything. Physical violence doesn’t solve anything when all someone is stating their (totally fucked up) opinion. Punching a Nazi only makes people…
I don’t know how powerful the HoloLens is, but you could definitely project a virtual screen and play a smaller game like Binding of Issac or something. The issue would probably be the resolution of the screen being good enough - I haven’t tried it so I don’t know if it would look good.
Zelda, Mario & Mario Kart is all I can think of...
This sounds pretty bad (I haven’t encountered it myself but from the sound of this lots of people have) but this message spamming thing is the only bad thing I’ve encountered with PSN that doesn’t apply to XBL or Steam as well. The last hack was like Christmas over a year ago, and XBL was hacked at the same time.
That’s what I meant to say - just because someone’s photo is made more pretty (well that’s subjective, but...) by putting a filter over it doesn’t make the original photo any less of an artistic achievement. The fact that the creator rendered these outside of minecraft doesn’t make it any less awesome that they…
So far it seems like most devs are just ignoring the motion controls, and that was the only part of the presentation I saw as a potential problem. I don’t think it’s going to be an issue because Switch has everything developers need to just make normal games.