
As much as I wish I could play Nintendo games like Zelda, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros on my PS4, this is why I think it’s essential Nintendo keeps making consoles - for lots of people Nintendo is how they are able to get into video games. My first video game was Lego Star Wars (the original) for the PC, but I remember

just download games digitally and delete them when you’re done with them. check storage in system settings every once in a while and put the heaps of screenshots/captures on a usb stick before deleting them. upload save files to ps+ (they should automatically) and delete the local ones you’re not using. sounds like a

Jeez the number of possibly good Xbone/Win10 exclusives dwindles... sucks this was cancelled.

So if someone puts a filter on their photo it can’t be art?

I had problems with Kingsglaive, but the fact that it was CG instead of live-action did nothing but help it.

in my humble opinion, newcomers (like I was when I played the collection and 4 back to back) should REALLY just skip Uncharted 1. Nothing important story-wise happens besides introducing the characters, but you get to know everyone just fine over the course of the other games. 2, 3, and of course 4 feel so much better

Freedom Wars, anyone?

the original was ported to PS4 as well, but it was a Vita exclusive for years.

I mean I don’t watch it that much but I don’t see the problem with it as a whole.

The thing about 4k video is if you have a tv as expensive as a 4k one it’s going to have apps like Netflix and Amazon built in. I don’t see the reason for using a console to watch movies and tv if the tv can do it on its own.

I had to google the meaning of 1/3 of the words he used, but it sounds like a fantastic criticism of the prequels. Is it really not supposed to be satire?

I don’t know why the Chinese government would care about this, but I’d love to know the odds on this stuff.

I mean he gave it a 3/5. He liked it but it’s not that unusual for him to be enjoying a game somewhat. Tell me that Zero Punctuation actually likes a game and I’ll take immediate notice.

Sweet - I’ll try this again. Played the beta, but it was a bit too slow and confusing for me (I’m pretty bad at MOBAs). I think now that it’s faster and hopefully has a better tutorial/bigger community, I’ll be able to get into it a lot faster.

lol they already did

From what I heard JC3 was fine on PC and broken on console... I dunno I just played it on a friend’s PC

Just remembered as well: I bought Helldivers and Journey (also one of my all-time favorites) before they were on PS+, but those were also great. Anyway, I want that quality of games back!

I was super hyped to get FFXV before Christmas and play it for weeks, but I couldn’t resist Witcher 3 with ALL DLC for $25.

I’m not that broken up about the quality of the PS Plus offerings (actually this month looks great to me - both PS4 games and VVVVV look like lots of fun), but I do wish that PS went back to the early-PS4 days of PS plus. Some of my favorite PS4 games like Spelunky, Towerfall, Transistor (one of my favorite games of

I totally agree in general (I’ve barely touched my Vita since mid-year), but VVVVV looks like something I’d love to play on my Vita. I’ll at least check out whatever the color guardians thing is.