
I’m sure if a white guy was rebuffed a hug from a black woman you’d be like how empowering

Yes every guy you meet wants to marry u’re probably mad ugly

Are you implying that had the water been clean they would have paid?

Why has boston never had a team? I would think they would get decent ratings, and Tommy Brady could be like a player coach or something and undertaker off the top!

Really? Are u fucking retarded? Learn English if you’re going to tall shit faggot

You say white people are usually “culturally aimless”, maybe that’s because many of “our” cultures are deemed offensive by many people.

I don’t think your editor who wrote the title likes your article. I didn’t read it so I’m just going to assume this is what happened.

I hated this girl, until I realized it pissed so many ppl off, now I kinda like her. Kinda similar to Trump in a way

White guilt like u read about. I’d say you could paint yourself black but you would just be offending yourself.

Instead of talking about how Isis did this, you used your comment to condemn the president? Have you moved to a different country yet? I’d be willing to bet that before the election you were one of those.

Did dt take credit for this yet? You know because he’s in a “foreign land” and something good happened there

It didn’t grab her by the seat of her dress, the way it pulled her into the water it definitely had her flesh.

Just stay strong and think of the future, someday your baby will be a strong healthy toddler, then kid, then teen and so on. I have a 10 month old and she is the greatest thing to ever happen me.

So true, and sad

When is this whining about not being white going to stop? Sorry you were born that way but why don’t you try to just accept it and stop with the hatred?

So republicans are strictly men?

Pretty sure minimum wage doesn’t affect the middle class, it affects college students, elderly, and people with little motivation. If you have even a little bit of skill, education or drive, you will never need to worry about minimum wage.

Yea it’s kind of like this author just google a few things about each city and copied the first page, no real thought or effort put into this.

Can someone explain what white balled means? From her explanation I don’t understand what she means.

It was funny at one point. Please stop beating a dead horse