add lightness

I’m missing why people think the numbers are meaningless. Sure there are variances in the track environmentals but overall i think it is a fairly consistent metric. Honestly, no different than any other brochure number. HP/TQ are meaningless unless considered by weight and coefficient of drag among other factors. Were

The Aventador is around 4,100 lbs and makes 691 hp (5.93 lbs/hp).

I too do not buy Lamborghini’s but I don’t act like it’s because of “Lambo culture” or that they don’t have a paint shade I like...

bc the aventador is YUUUGE.

I went back and watched again and his brake lights are totally on in the air hahaha

Easy, If I see cops setting up a road block with spikes and cruisers, I’m whipping my cell phone out.

That, and the two trucks acting as a roadblock may have tipped them off...

Or just saw the cops laying the spike strip and decided something amusing was about to happen.

(Not so) grounded to the ground.

This would still sell on AutoTrader for $35k.

Terrific! Do this in a Mustang and it attacks passersby. Do it in a Volvo and receive the gift of CDs.

Their initial suggestion was to only load 1 CD at a time, so I wouldn’t have to try to catch 6 of them while turning and accelerating....

Eventually they replaced the entire head unit and CD changer, but it took several weeks for the parts to arrive, so we actually had to go with their suggestion for a while. As the

I have to laugh at this because the other day I saw someone freak out when their car did that. I saw them signal left, then right, then left, then right, then finally left again, and after 3 flashes, it turned off. I had to chuckle because I knew exactly what happened since I had done that before too. I could just

Volvo XC70 Wagon with a 6 disk in-dash CD changer. If you accelerated from a stop, while turning sharply to the right, the car would start spitting all 6 CDs out at me.

Maybe 6 is for regular mode, and 7 is for EPA cheating mode?

This is exactly the stuff I’m looking for.

On my Golf SportWagen...when you first start it up and don’t put your seatbelt on, sometimes it chimes five times, sometimes it chimes six times. And I can’t figure out why. It’s got nothing to do with seat position, the existence of a passenger, the headlamps, or the use of the parking brake. I think it’s a glitch.

This is exactly why you don’t tailgate, no idea what’s in front of the driver in front of you! It especially cracks me up to see people tailgating tractor-trailers. The shit they throw up will total your car...

My best revenge is probably one of the simplest ones that happened probably around 10 years ago now. I was in my 1998 Subaru Outback, driving 450 miles home from college. There was a guy in a brand new, beautiful, black 911 Turbo, who I could see weaving around cars behind me cutting through traffic (two-lane highway