
@collusioned: I have to agree with you. I'm a web designer at heart and so I naturally want things to look good on my desktop. Nowadays though I don't have time to play with customizations as much as I used too. I just slap on a pretty unique image, rocket dock, keybreeze, and a few custom icons and I'm done. I rarely

@boldIT: True however I use a free online solution for files I need immediately. AKA files that need to be synced to me from work to my personal computer. You can use free solutions like folder share but it's nice to have them backed up in the cloud as well. I use both this method and the one you speak of.

It looks pretty. I'll wait it out though. Right now I'm using Syncplicity and it fits the needs of what I need it for. I'd like to find other decent solutions though.

I wish Belvedere got more support to build upon and make better! It's like Hazels younger infant that never got to see the day of light.

Sounded okay until you realized you have to download a plugin to get it to work. Isn't that the point of getting away from Limewire? So you don't have to use software to actually get your torrent files.

@AlanR: Yeah that's what I was thinking. I mean chances are the bots will spam you more because they know you responded and your a legit person.

I like everything about it but the color and the rear end. They need to clip off that arse on the back of it. I'll leave the back end of that car up to your imagination but anything has got to be better then that.

TY Lifehacker :) I was looking for something like this!

By the way, they also received some funding from a True VC for the amount of $2mil+. So I expect their services to get more competitive and grow rapidly.


Radmin pwns VNC for features and performance. Although VNC is free so that's a big incentive to use it. Here is my ordered list of favorites:

@addiktion: coding = compressing :P I'm tired guys.

Looks cool. I don't drop things into ISO to often else I'd grab it. I have to say I've always loved ISO over any other format. Especially over UIF. You get all these peeps coding things in 10 different formats and you end up having over 5 different compression utilities just to accomplish a simple task. ISO is what it

Foxmarks FTW! I personally just do the local thing and sync them to the Foxmarks cloud. It's saved me tons of time and lost bookmarks because I used to reformat my computer almost ever 3 months due to the amount of over tweakage I did to it. Now I do that less but it still saves me time when I'm reinstalling browsers

If you have decent screen real estate and don't mind your task bar being bigger then you can just stretch it up another notch and the day and date will magically appear underneath the time.

I remember it being a pain in the ass with XP back in the day when I went to small lan parties and we were having troubles getting our computers in a network. Now I'm a little smarter then I was back then and actually pulled this off. It was interesting in Vista though because they have a few additional settings you

@Night Elf Mohawk: Yeah those PNG's look damn good in IE6. So good in fact I want to gouge my eyeballs out with joy.

@HeathNemesis: I forgot to mention that was because of some Nvidia drivers. And it didn't fully crash my PC. It allowed me to log off and log back on.

@HeathNemesis: That's funny because my XP or Vista doesn't crash every week. To be honest now that SP1 and after has been released my Vista has only crashed once in the 6+ months I've used it on a laptop and a desktop PC.