Next year when I have my shot together, the cats will definitely be wearing Christmas things. Ribbons at the minimum.
Next year when I have my shot together, the cats will definitely be wearing Christmas things. Ribbons at the minimum.
I also send a picture of my cat. It’s reached the point where, when I send an email to a few people to get updated addresses, they reply and say “Oooh, am I going to get a new picture of [kitty]?” I guess I know who in my household is actually popular.
omg I want to scoop all of them up and snuggle their little heads
Best Christmas card I’ve encountered was a friend with a bratty 4-year old daughter who melted down for all the Christmas pics, so the Christmas card was basically hilarious crying pictures. I don’t know, maybe I’m evil, but it fucking slayed me.
So if me and Cindymoo break up (heaven forbid), that means I can sue her for spousal support for Figaro, Floyd, and our future bunnies and potential sloths and capybara? Good to know!
Since I was in a horribly intense fight this morning about red velvet cake, I want to point out that Sweet Lady Jane has amazing red velvet cupcakes, you haters.
WTF is a “belfie?”
It's fascinating to watch this family interact. They do just like any normal family only in Rolls Royces and big mansions. In one episode, Kendall called Kylie a giant cunt for not allowing her to borrow a dress. I've had the same exact convo with my sister. It's watching a fancier version of your family on tv. You…
Those are tape in extensions! Kylie has never been afraid to show them. She wears her hair in a high, dirty bun all the time. Kim on the other hand, she wants you to buy into the hype.
A family member of mine had (what I’m assuming is) similar surgery for underbite correction, it changed the shape of her whole face and even her nose.
She’s definitely had lip injections and wears more makeup, but I think she’s also just matured since then too. I mean, pictures of me look pretty different between ages 14 and 18 too, and I didn’t even wear makeup when I was 18.
She had a severe underbite which she would have had fixed via surgery. There was a fluff piece about her having dental surgery at one point so it was probably that. It’s actually pretty reasonable when you think about it.
I used to find her sort of insufferable (although I liked her music). She’s kinda growing on me these days, though.
Yes. I kind of love this.
Oh god, Mimi. I’ve never identified with you until now. Setting age sensors to “eternally oblivious.”