
HAH! Good description. And oddly enough? Mine has begun doing that too. Before it would hit like, trickle for the first 6-8 hours, you know, a nice little heads up, “I’m coming!” And then “Whoooooosh!” The flood. But then all of the sudden same thing. And, it last 7-9 days |:-| What the fuck is that? In fact, I called


Good, because I hate my job and want to travel but am EXTREMELY anxious so I need lots of therapy to be able to travel and that costs money so I need this quarter mil. I also need a lawyer.

I have never seen the show, BUT, I once had pens that were also flowers. They were not roses, like in the picture above. In fact, that might not be a pen and might actually be a rose. In which case, I once had roses that were also beautiful and I held them similarly. Therefore, yes, they have stolen my life.

And do they make you feel like you constantly need to pee? Yes? Just say yes.

Innnneresting. I have considered the dixie cup thingies but held off because I wonder if it’s the actual irritation of having something in me that is making the cramps worse. But maybe it’s the cotton absorption aspect? I know that when I used tampons I can’t hold as much urine and feel like I have to pee more often

THAT SOUNDS LIKE ME! Here’s a wave of cramping, RUN TO THE BATHROOM! Stupid body... But I got the Skyla (baby Mirena) put in last month so I’m really hoping that helps ease things up a bit. I also get the whole ovulation induced anxiety uptick so crossing fingers. Ladies are special, you know? Progesterone, estrogen,

Ok, but like, when EVERYTHING hurts, how do you know the difference? I mean, seriously. I finally found someone to fuck around with and COULD NOT FIT IT IN. I literally couldn’t tell where the pain was coming from. I thought it was deep inside. Turns out it was indeed the ring of muscle.

YYYYEEEEESSSSSSSS. In high school I swear my hormones were like a menopausal woman (HELLO HOTFLASHES!) and I would go through a heavy flow tampon every hour (which made having 1.5 hr long classes difficult). And I always knew when I was leaking because man on fire the cramps. Thank you for confirming!

THE BABY MIRENA! The Skyla. I’m really hoping she stops the ovulating and calms my system down. Just gotta make it through this stupid nonstop bleeding until then. It hasn’t been bad, just like, “Seriously? You’re still going?” On the bright side, not like my norm!

Yes. OK, answer me this because my roommate and I have decided our theory is true but we also might be living in our own bubble of “Yes, we are awesome and always right.” When heavy and crampy do you notice that tampons make the cramping worse? I’ve begun, now that I’m older, using pads again when really heavy and I

I literally just commented about this. Like, I would be covered in that shit. Just a goopy, bloody, someone stabbed me in my fucking pelvis and now I’m bleeding out, mess. AND she’s smiling. And running.

I also cannot understand how, on the first (kind of second, since she got it the night before) day of her period she only has that little bit of blood. And RUNNING. Like... I would just be gushing everywhere if I wasn’t wearing anything. It would be a massacre. And I would be laying in bed cursing everyone and

Well, they say, “Just tell people you’re 23.” To which I respond, “Why? I worked really hard to get to 28.” Which sounds ridiculous but umm... I did. Not everyone floats through life on a cloud of happiness. Regardless of my white (privileged), middle class upbringing, I am not a rose colored glasses lotus blossom.

Sent this article to the rooms. She had the perfect response:

THANK YOU. All the lesbian porn (granted, all the searching I’ve done has produced the same kind of results so I am limited in my experience) I have found has been seriously lacking. They all look bored and inhibited. It is a show and not fun for them. The only porn I’ve really seen where the actors at least look to

My poor, Republican roommate, who works for a previous Republican Presidential candidate, is beginning to lose her good humor about this boob. She started out OK, like, he will never make it. Now she has completely devolved into her firm belief that he is a Democratic plant and he is ruining the Republicans and if he

Guuurrrlll, the older I get the more my hormones (and inability to leave my skin alone) are causing breakouts with like, one week of clear skin a month (when I have stopped touching my face and everything has calmed and is healing). I am going through that right now I think OR all these AMAZING PRODUCTS ARE REALLY

They are fantastic and I love them and I could (obviously) go on and on and on about them. I would literally line people up so I could explore their skin, freckles, pimples, scars, moles, etc., if I could. (I am obsessed with popping things and studying stuff I find quirky- like scars.) But alas, that is not socially

I did it. I did a month of Kloverbox yesterday. We’ll see how I like it and then re-up or opt-out. I am nervous. I JUST LOVE MY PETIT VOUR SO MUCH I WOULD GET TWO A MONTH IF I COULD BUT I CAN’T SO I NEED SOMETHING TO TIDE ME OVER. But yes, a puppy. It really, really is.