
Nothing is wrong with you. You do you, beautiful silver sunflower of OCD.

Only weirdos with no sense of style and fun didn’t. And like, the coloring and writing and then erasing in PATTERNS? Excuse me, but yes. I am an artist. You may pay me now.

Remember those gel pens that were all metallic and shimmery and awesome? And when you wrote with them and then erased over them they became not shimmery? Well, for less than $28 you could go buy some of those and just draw on yourself whatever design you want.


Did not even care.

I would probably say something every time your freckles appear. I recently realized that I do not know the difference between freckles and age spots. Do you remember that article Jez posted with Goldie Hawn and her daughter (goodlordIcan’trememberhername) when they were kind of bashing her for dressing too young and

IDK, I mean, I guess how is it different from fake eyelashes and eyeliner and eyeshadow and contouring and stuff. But, I like people’s natural freckles. No matter your skin color. Freckles mesmerize me. It’s body art! By genetics! Also scars. Scars are fascinating.

That is what got me, too. I adore freckles, ADORE. My little ginger niece has freckles. UNEVEN freckles, a smattering on one cheek and like, two on the other. And they kill me they are so cute. And I just, I love freckles on people! Any people! Sometimes when I see them on people COVERED in them I’m like, “HOLY HELL

WAAAAAIIIITTTT..... I just saw in the Instagram screen cap that they also added the freckles? Like.. I .... I love freckles, but... REAL freckles. And her hair? Her hair would be beautiful, but... I just... IDK... I am white and this is awful and I think hair and freckles like that are beautiful and should be

Because they are invalidating and obtuse and refuse to recognize the person you are and have been and will become and therefore you have given up trying to show them so you revert into the impatient person they see you as whenever you’re around them because their asinine viewpoints are asinine and there’s a lot of

I had to skim this list because once I started reading them my heart started to race and I too, developed your fears.

They look like chocolate chip cookie dough rounds and now all I want is chocolate chip cookie dough.

Yah. No. I am almost always anti-sayings and I can’t get away from them. The fatigue is strong. And mainly I did it in a funny way, like, we are grown adults and I am getting you this child’s saying. I always want to get one talking about how our love is true love and it’s what great stories are made of. But I have

I got a little wall picture thing for my roommates bathroom so she’d feel loved every morning: “you are my Sunshine.” Because she is. And also I am determined to turn us into old, spinster cat women.

OH MY GOSH I HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT THIS SONG! HAHAHAHAHA, thank you, thank you so much for the nostalgia.

OH MY GOSH, those are my two faves also! I even freakin’ emailed them and they never responded! Probably because they are ashamed of themselves for teasing us with samples and being unable to provide full retail sizes for purchase. I mean c’mon you guys, you make these awesome products and then can’t continue to

I feel really underwhelmed. Like... a 3 second glimpse of a horrific car wreck when you can’t even tell if anything horrific really happened. Someone told you something horrific happened, but all you really saw was a hubcap and a flashing light.

I LOVE THESE REVIEWS. Can you get ALL the boxes EVER and review them like, every day?

HAH! I actually kind of had the opposite. I got on it slowly and when I was really fuzzy anyways from my hormones so I was a bit slower on the uptake than normal. I liken it to when I was so low on B12 I was basically venturing into barely functioning mentally territory (I’m normally WORDS WORDS WORDS, TALKING

Apparently it’s been around for awhile and is like, a miracle drug for a variety of things. One of which is weight loss. One doctor that I discussed it with (I hate medicines for their side effects and am leery of all new ones) said that it changes your tastes (originating in your brain) so you just naturally eat