AddictedToM3s - Drives a GC

I would disagree. The cinematography has been dialed back to an 8. primarily on the challenge films. The breathtaking scenery just wasn't there. Example, the episode with the chefs, they kept saying how beautiful the scenery was...but they never really showed it to US! Fail. Epic fail. The exquisite filming is what in

Musings and drivel incoming:

Glad you were safe though, scary stuff.

This is me. I couldn’t be happier!

This is going to get a gigantic audience.

Harris on the internet again.

You done did good

Congratulations Turbolence88 on the COTD! My gift to you is this lovely lady, who will attempt to deliver this hopefully turbo’d zoom zoom machine once she’s finished examining the paint on the roof.

That resulted in this confusing picture

Regera? More like Regreta...amiright?

“You never had your snark”

Forget Porsche, Christian Von Koenigsegg should be curled up in ball crying.

Tom, you are reaching dangerous levels of sarcasm. When this much sarcasm is placed together you can create a critical mass of snark that will detonate and consume good intentions within a one week radius.


Now if that same kid can IP65 the enclosure, properly design a circuit that won’t drain out a couple of AAAs in a day, lay out a high volume assembly procedure, implement a good set of datum reference frames, and test all components of this system properly, send me their resume.