
I think the problem is that any time you come in asking for a specific drug they automatically assume that you are an addict that is just looking for a fix. It dose not help that there are those out there doing just that, seeking ways to feed their habits. It just makes it so much harder on those that have an actual

Im white and straight and suffer from mental illness with the same results. Why does this have to be about race? Everyone with a mental illness is treated badly let’s stop making everything about race.

There may be a combination of the two. Teddy Riley wrote My Prerogative and Don’t Be Cruel. I doubt the two songs would be as popular as they are if Mr Riley blessed us with his vocal stylings.

I understand. I am irrationally partial to Christopher Cross’ “Sailing,” so it really irked me when Avant did a cover that was literally just karaoke. There was nothing different or better about it whatsoever, and I found myself wondering, why did he do this? It was perfect the first time! Don’t mess with perfection!

As a die hard Chili Peppers fan I would also add George Clinton produced one of their early albums.

Considering the various abominations that have been made of Word Up!, all Cameo should be blocked!

I don’t think it’s physically possible to do an acoustic version of this, but if someone manages to do so? I think that achievement alone would make it okay.

Did you know that Santana’s Black Magic Woman was a cover of a Fleetwood Mac song? Yeah, few folks remember that.

Purple Rain will be forever off limits. Yes I know they happen but I refuse to listen to them... Therefore they don’t exist.

if you think this is “OK” because “well he broke the law,” then you are part of the problem.

The guy has been here for 30 years! Listen, It sucks about what’s going on with his child but at some point during his time here he couldn’t have started his term for citizenship? These articles do their best to hit on the heart strings but laws are laws. He could have fixed this situation years ago. Sooner or later

Illegal Immigration is illegal immigration no matter how you splice it. If US continues to allow anyone here, then we will be very close to over population. Like china india to name the few. There is no right or wrong way to do this, people will lose no matter what side youre on

1) Stop having more than 3 kids unless you make in excess of 100K a year regardless of your status.

I was coming to say similar. This video starts as an excellent history lesson, but completely ignores reality for a star-trek like utopian ideal. People need to be registered for tax purposes, statistics, and simply monitoring how a population moves. The days of free going immigration for 1st world countries is over.

Jesus fuck people. Until the world is a utopian paradise where every nation is equitable, immigration is needed. You can’t have one country with x amount of health care, lifestyle, when other countries have y health care and lifestyle and allow free movement of people.
All those with y lifestyle will flock to the