
Are there? Seems to me there are way more people endlessly belittling these presumed “sheep” than there are actual single minded Apple zealots.

This is... wierdly disproportionate. Are you perhaps a lunatic?

Right, and that’s the default response to any criticism of any website. I generally enjoy the former-gawker agglomeration and occasionally take exception to something. shrugs

You know, there’s a point of diminishing returns for click trolling hyperbole. Actually building this would have amused my 8 year old self for about 15 seconds; claiming it’s some kind of breathless triumph is tedious.

No more so than “the Warriors are a bunch of entitled dicks and Durant is a bitch”, of which there’s a pretty steady diet hereabouts.

So wait, the issue is that when someone other than the primary phone owner wants to use it to buy something they have to enter a passcode, instead of just glancing at it? And this merits not just an article but a bunch of head shaking “Apple is terrible beyond all saying” comments? Jesus.

What makes me bat-shit insane is when a business deliberately picks music with a thick, busy arrangement, lots of bass and wailing saxes. It’s a guarantee that the holdee will actually be listening to what sounds like somebody with tuberculosis gargling rocks while slaughtering seals.

Might be time to revisit the unfrozen pumpkin pie. I got one last year and it was as you said: resonably tasty filling with a fairly bland crust. I got one last week and it was inedible, in exactly the same way as you describe the pecan pie: ludicrously sweet and kind of glutinous. It tasted like corn syrup pie

Children are “natural entrepreneurs.” So, a relitively recent concept (a subset of capitalism, itself a newcomer) is somehow a natural indwelling part of the human spirit? Why leave it at that? Aren’t children also natural venture capitalists, hedge fund managers and arbitrage specialists? Where are the programs to

Yeah, and seeing a woman get punched in the face gets you hard. We got it man.

Seatbelts are signifiers of crazy driving to come. There’s always this very purposeful pull and click, like the passengers are preparing for liftoff. If people buckle up the driver is planning to tear ass down narrow allies while colorful street vendors leap out of the way.

Hi everbody, I’m a grownup now! You can tell by my skin tight, comically short pants without socks that pull uncomfortably at my crotch and jacket with deep creases where I’ve had to pull it taut to button it!

The California Department of Motor Vehicles will allow autonomous cars without steering wheels, foot pedals, mirrors, and human drivers behind the wheel to be tested on its roads starting next year.

As our actual relationship to things like honor, valor, patriotism, “the troops”, etc becomes increasingly attenuated, brittle and little more than a signifier of an inchoate politics of belligerence, our performances of same become increasingly ludicrous kabuki, alternating swooning, hagiograhic paeans to “warriors”

All reasonable style observations, but you can do way better than J. Crew for similar money. The market is positively infested with mediocre jackets and suits that look good on models but are not going to last and likely won’t look nearly as good on you. At the same time, there are a number of online tailors and

The “Institute for Energy Research” is a Koch funded, climate change denying, anti-renewable pro-fossil fuel front. Using them for analysis of California’s energy usage is like using the American Beef Council to evalulate the health of vegitarians.

Between my wife a teen daughter, we have almost 2 dozen of these water bottles.

You know what’s fun? Making wild, utterly unsubstaniated assumptions about other people’s intrinisic character based on internet stereotypes and a few random data points. Like whenever I see a Galaxy owner with a bad haircut, I think to myself “LOL, Android users have really low self esteem which is why they

And even then the scenes of the afterlife were all flashforwards to after all of their eventual deaths, by natural causes or no, so nothing on the island was part of that.

User name checks out.