
California vendors used to distribute 19 billion plastic bags a year. Since the ban, zero. If you don’t think 19 billion bags has an effect on the enviroment, you’re being willfully obtuse. “How can changing my behavior change anything I’m just one person” is why we need systemic bans. One person electing to forgo

Here in the bay area there’s an epidemic of people deciding they need to turn right as they’re passing the intersection and on the left of a multi-lane road. Do they realize they blew it and go around the block? They do not. They simply make a hard right, getting perpindicular to traffic, and start fording that

Thisis he second video of a driving altercation I’ve seen here in the last few weeks that involved someone pulling a door handle off. Now, admittedly I’ve never tried, but I would have thought that car door handles were prettly securly attached to the sheet metal? Is there some kind of gorilla adrenalin strength

First drink gets you drunk.

Mystery Box is fine but it requires discipline. You can be open ended and full of possibility without succumbing to “anything can happen.” If literally anything can happen then it doesn’t matter what happens, because there is no narrative logic, just one damn thing after another.

I don’t think you’re really tracking where I’m coming from.

I feel like every blogger who has reviewed the HomePod is an urban hipster (no offense) with a small apartment/condo that only needs it in one room.

The problem being the incredible paucity of gifs compared to words. If it’s a new language it’s a profoundly impoverished one, which means it’s less about communicating clearly and more about channeling the vast range of possible emotive and intellectual untterances into a handful of stock responses. In other words,

2001 Jetta Wagon 1.8T MT, sports package. Something of a unicorn, I loved it until it began to implode, arounmd 60k miles. I hate that VW makes such appealing cars with such shitty exectution. I gaze longingly towards a GTI, but I have VW PTSD.

“Officer, in medical parlance women are known as “fuck toys.” If they’re not routinely used for the sexual gratification of men, they will grow ill and waste away. Simple medical fact”

I would be happy to buy an EV, but I live in an apartment and would have no way to charge it without hunting down a charging station and hanging out for a while. So’ll wait to that part gets better. Right? It’s not because I’m a bad person or resistant to change or I’m lying about my circumstance or I’m just

...though Apple hasn’t addressed more consumer-friendly measures like designing phones such that users can easily replace their own batteries.

Ooooh, you said “period” at the end, that means it must be true!


You can kind of piece together the topography of that part of the town from the overhead scan shot and some of the angles on the train, and it appears as if just beyond the train tracks and running for their length there’s a steep, heavily overgrown mountain or cliff. It would make sense that Bad Janet wouldn’t bother

It’s concise and deeply stupid. What are you going to do when all the boomers are dead and the world still sucks and you’re still a fucking idiot? Blame boomers for all of your failings for the rest of your life, I imagine, but that’s called being pathetic. Which presumably will also be the fault of boomers. I’m

Eat shit.

I didn’t much like Bama’s chances the way they were playing towards the end of the season, but seeing them rested and healthy I think they can take another championship. Worrisome injury in the final minutes, however.

I’m no Pats fan but this is stupid. You’ve declared that if the guy responds he’s “triggered” and if he doesn’t he’s slinking off defeated. If you tried that IRL you’d get punched in the fucking face, and deservedly so.

Right, excellent Googling, but that’s not what you said in your original comment. Race is a protected class, whether the race in question is black or white; sex is a protected class whether the sex is female or female; orientation is a protected class whether the orientation is gay or straight.