
As a sign of solidarity, Wambach’s former teammate Hope Solo murdered a homeless man.

Pretty sure that just viewing this clip qualifies as a bachelor’s degree in English at UNC.

Rooting for Syracuse or North Carolina to advance to the title game is like rooting for shit or more shit. We lose either way.

Clearly you’re not paying attention. They came down hard. That program got a really easy bracket and a #1 seed.

I enjoy the NCAA taking a harder stance on a leaked bracket than they ever did when a major program committed widespread academic fraud and basically made up a major.

Who knew that when Bo raved about four-year players, he was talking about himself??

Ryan wouldn’t be in trouble if he’d just slept with her and moved on, but he’s never been a fan of one-and-dones.

+1 name engraved on Lord Stanley’s Cup

Nah, he just really hates the Barenaked Ladies.

If I had to guess, Johnny Walker co-wrote that tweet with him.

Said it elsewhere and I’ll say it here: if the DH must be everywhere, let it not be the lock-your-lineup style DH currently offered.

It’s also charmingly anachronistic that the dimensions of literally every MLB park are different, but that seems to bother exactly no one.

Brooklyn hockey was a good idea in theory, it just doesn’t work in practice.

That fence needs a fresh coat of water seal.

It’s gonna suck when Steve Bartman sneaks up there and steals the ball before Game 6 of the NLCS.

I’d like to remind this Mets fan that although watching your team may feel like cruel and unusual punishment, baseball is just a game. The American Legal System isn’t a game.
