Are you crazy?! Don't give Kojima ideas!
Are you crazy?! Don't give Kojima ideas!
Meh. There's a difference between not holding your hand, and just thrusting you into the world expecting you to know all its shit already. I feel like the Witcher games are best played with a comprehensive walkthrough/strategy guide in your lap, or at the very least, that the second playthrough is the "ideal"…
That's fine in non-fiction, but in fiction being overly-brief can lead to things being dull and uninteresting. It's good to add details and sometimes entire scenes that are only tangentially related to the plot, but help explore concepts or themes. Like the cantina scene from Star Wars, exactly nothing in that scene…
A thesaurus can be useful, especially when you need to cover the same thing repeatedly but don't wish to sound completely repetitive. I think advice like "put the thesaurus away" is unnecessarily exclusive and leads novice writers to underestimate or fail to understand the proper use of a good tool - it's just that…
I admit to being one of those people who complains about the "classic" games turning people off from the hobby, but there are objective reasons why games like Monopoly are, objectively, bad games. It's not just a matter of taste.
Amateur. A good cheater doesn't go for the high-value bills, they settle for the $100s that are more easy to slip in unnoticed. A player suddenly pulling $500 or $1000 out of nowhere is suspicious, but a $100 every now and then doesn't raise eyebrows.
Or Diplomacy.
I disagree. There are plenty of good board games that are perfect for beginners. Monopoly isn't Zelda, it's Superman 64.
Monopoly is objectively a bad, ill-balanced game, for pretty much the exact reason listed in the article - it drags out over a long time even after there is a clear winner. That is bad game design, that is poor balance.
I think the word for that is "embezzlement."
I think the word for that is "embezzlement."
It's more about variety than length for me. I hated Skyrim because, while an even casual run can near the 100-hour mark and a completionist run is quit your job, break up with your spouse levels of dedication, it felt like 90% of its content was the same cave full of skeletons. Compare this to any number of RTSes,…
It really is the best JRPG.
If you can't figure out that the content might be NSFW from the title "Sex Games" God help you.
You might as well complain that porn is unrealistic because the pizza guy never really acts like that.
I wonder if it was a deliberate pun that multiple VNs have used literal steam to censor their images.
I have had three Seagate hard drives, a 1.5TB, a 2TB, and a 3TB, all fail on me.
How stashed away something is - that is, the amount of time and attention you devote to retrieving something - should be directly proportional to how frequently or likely it is you will need it. Something you're using every five minutes should go on your desk. Something you use once a day or more should be within easy…
All kidding aside, balancing a box of Kleenex on the trash can like that looks nice until you knock it into the trash can every time you grab a tissue (I imagine that's for wiping the desk off after writing on it...or at least that's the official reason!).
Hmm. Well, I'll try to find the study somewhere without a paywall, and I suppose I should have a think over how well one can accurately estimate something nebulous like understanding of a safety hazard without some kind of objective test (since I doubt most parents are insane enough to actually test their kids on a…
I knew a lot of freshmen when I entered college who just were utterly ill-equipped to handle life without Mom and Dad enforcing the rules. It was shocking to me, to be honest. I knew someone who ate practically nothing but pizza and ice cream, going so far as to make fun of me for having a salad for lunch once. Yeah,…