I almost feel physically pained to know that I'm of the last generations who will remember education before NCLB.
I almost feel physically pained to know that I'm of the last generations who will remember education before NCLB.
Consider the threshold you just crossed.
Yeah, I can see how overuse of dividers and so on creates a hassle to navigation. Parking lots need convenient access to roads, accesses that take a moment to transition from road to parking lot for speed and safety reasons, and wide driving spaces with clear visibility where drivers can focus on selecting a space and…
Considering the sudden proliferation of eroge VNs on Steam?
I have a hipster friend who shitposts EVERY SINGLE TIME I buy any AAA game.
To be fair, they also argued that the ACB lied about certain things.
And people wonder why I say that this nanny-state bullshit is infantilizing and insulting.
Amazon got caught doing something like that once...15 years ago. They promised to cut it out. That doesn't mean they actually did stop doing it as opposed to just being less obvious about it, but it's definitely not new.
I would only do a more in-depth search than that if you're buying a big-ticket item (hundreds or thousands of dollars) but not really worth doing more than a quick glance like that for small purchases I think.
The UPS man being the modern milk man had me laughing so hard...
I used to think bundling orders to hit the $35 free-shipping point would be enough, but while I buy a lot of stuff I generally don't buy a lot of stuff at once and I found myself adding stuff I didn't always particularly want just to bump my cart up and "save" money. If I'm gonna pay $6 more than my cart total I might…
That's one of those rumors that I hear all the time, but always from someone who read it, or someone who knows someone who said they saw it...other than one case 15 years ago that got a lot of attention wherein they promised to change their policies I've never actually seen that happen nor seen, for instance, a…
Can you also create a service wherein you change all the price labels to 50-200% higher about a week before I get there, in order to chase out all the riff-raff a person of such obvious high standing as cadarn07 would otherwise not want to be associated with nor seen with?
Every Wal-Mart I've been to - which I'm assuming is not yours, unless there's a crazy coincidence going on, so maybe yours is smaller than what I'm picturing - has had very large parking lots laid out in the same basic series of columns of spaces. I've never seen one even 2/3rds full, although admittedly that could be…
Plus, back when the HDTV boom first happened, that was usually peoples' first experience with HDMI cable. Everyone probably had some giant box of tangled analog cables but you needed the new cable to see stuff in HD...and people are more likely to accept a totally bullshit price if they haven't purchased so many of…
My grandparents went and bought a new PC...both my father (their son) and I told them not to do so and we would pick a computer for them, in fear that they'd get Windows 8 and be totally lost with both of us unable to play tech support since we don't use Windows 8 either. Of course, being stubborn as a mule runs in my…
It always mystifies me how many people don't bother to engage basic skepticism over a sales claim...people have this belief that they might embellish, but they'd never outright lie, would they?!
Hahaha, oh yes, I've heard that expression and met people who fit it.