
I'm reminded of that episode of South Park with the homeless people standing in for zombies.

Agreed - the demanding, controlling, weaponized-guilt shit need to be recognized for what it is - psychological abuse. It's a little silly to blame the victim for having positive characteristics such as mild temperament and a sense of charity and generosity, and not their abuser for having negative characteristics

It's amazing how obvious, yet how underappreciated, the simple "talk to them like you're an adult" approach really is.

Ah, I hate it when people mistake ordinary politeness for a friendship or romantic advance.

Sadly, that's most people's story. It starts with doing something nice, and then what was originally a favor starts turning more and more into an expectation. Most people who aren't just outright jerks are conflict-averse and have difficulty with being firm, and conversations like "you need to either move out, or pay

The key to the guilt-tripping types is to tell them in no uncertain terms, without hedging yourself like you normally would ("I understand where you're coming from, but..."), that you are not falling for this and you will not be made to feel bad because of whatever it is they want from you this week. I spent quite a

I would define it as being so excessively nice to others that they start to demand it of you rather than be gracious that you're a nice person.

You can be nice and still have boundaries, one would think.

Oh yes, that would do quite nicely.

A sleek case wouldn't be too hard to make, and voice recognition could be added with a mic and some software I bet.

Is it just me, or does this look almost exactly like the kind of hacking device I'd expect a Hollywood spy to pull out before hacking a mainframe or something? It's only lacking in a sleek case.

I didn't say all wines taste the same. But, and this has borne out through actual scientific experiment, if you want to enjoy your wine more, have someone put a fancier label on it. It'll do more to the flavor than buying the next most expensive bottle.

Don't be too hasty to use hunting syringes. It turns it into a boring, paint-by-numbers grind that is quicker than hunting but way less enjoyable.

And let's not forget that most professional wine snobs can't tell the $20 bottle from the $200 bottle in a blind taste test.

Isn't making a fake listing on Amazon way more work than you need if your goal is to scam walmart into a phony price-match?

I'm surprised people miss it. The modern day segments were always the most annoying and least-liked parts of the game.

This "pay to not grind" micropayment crap pisses me off to no end. We already pay $60 for your game that only runs on new $360 consoles and you dare to ask us to drop $99.99 on in-game currency so we don't have to grind for it? It's one thing if it's in a freemium app where the game itself is free, but you want us to

Says who? Who says it takes as much time to teach the ten alternative methods Newspeak Math pushes as to teach methods parents already understand (and thus don't need to learn from scratch)? Do you have some kind of relevant statistics and analysis to make this claim? Hey, you asked for this from me, it's only fair.