
I mean, I’m no fan of what the programs have become or the frequent changes, but I fail to see how the government can step in on something like this. It’s a rewards program. What’s to stop the carriers from just saying “ok, you don’t like it? No more rewards program at all, pay full price always.” ?

I hope The Root covers this so we can compare.

Counterpoint: Rolls Royce’s are ugly, at least the new ones are. Bentley cars are much prettier to look at.

The ‘99-02 Mercury Cougar. I don’t see these much on the road anymore but I had one of these and thought they looked very unique and sleek for their time (and still do now). My high school girlfriend called it a “spy car.” Such a stark move away from it’s older sibling.

why set your line at $200k? why not $30k? After all, nobody needs more than 150hp, or a digital dash, or any kind of interior feature set at all. You could stick everyone in a Mirage and we would be just fine as a species.

No one needs a car with real wood and leather adorning every surface that was hand picked by an artisan” Local man discovers the meaning of luxury.