
This was our homage today:

Hurm. Obvious in hindsight.

Usually the slash is Tim/Raylan or Raylan/Boyd. Art's usually spared the experience.

Would Boyd Crowder cause Art to get a Marshal Stiffy to go with Tim's boner?

What's happening here is standard Screen Actor's Guild contracts mandating escalator clauses in actor pay after a certain number of seasons. It's also why Justified is going out at the end of Season 6. There's a jump between season 4 and season 5 in mandated pay rates, and a MUCH bigger one between season 5 and

So, the sure-fire way to make a winning pop song is this:

The thing I hate about SVU et al is that in addition to the "dead girl of the week" - she's usually white, 20-something and pretty. If she's black, odds are she's a hooker or a stripper.

It's all part of the long story of how Kendal and Loretta become the next Boyd and Ava. One True Pairing!

Sarah Palin's a Canuckistanian snowback, stealing jobs from hard-working Alaskans?

Ayep. I was waiting for him to walk in front of Machado's gun, having just taken off his bullet-proof vest, turning to Raylan, saying "I think I'll get my daughter into business school on a T-ball scholarship, and then I can retire…" before getting his brains blown out.

Season 2 of Justified might simply be the finest 13-episode single season of television aired to date. The Wire is better overall as a series, but Season 2 is an utter classic.

It's cutting through fabric (which slides and makes it harder to get the right angle) and through bone.  Think about how hard it is for you to cut through the bone of a steak on your chopping block.

As much as they were going for the Pure Concentrated Awesome with the cleaver and Quarles' arm…

The economics of escalator clauses in actor's contracts mean that around season 5 or season 6, the show gets so expensive that they can't go further unless it's a ratings monster.  I would like this to turn for five seasons.  I don't think they can stretch out this dance between Boyd and Raylan for much more than two

I've been saying, since the halfway point, that this season hasn't -quite- gelled quite like Season 1 or Season 2 did.  And my thoughts on this season's lack is this…

That's not an episode.  That's a spin-off series.

Balon's rebellion was, in the books, late in the last winter.  It is implied that the Iron Islands, who live largely off of fish, were in better shape than the Northlands logistically during that rebellion.  He ended up facing Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark and a bunch of Lannisters to put down that rebellion.  (Jaime

I'm betting Loretta becomes a Marshall after Season 13.

I think B+ is a fair grade for this episode.  Even compared to some of the other episodes, this one felt a little contrived and rushed.  I find the degradation of Quarles and Limehouse pulling strings to be borderline predictable from the structure that was set in place at the beginning of the season.

In my writing critique circle, we challenge people who're having a writer's block moment to try to write passage XYZ from novel ABC by <author> in the style of <author2>.