
Definitely not the first time as this isn’t even his first DV related arrest.

“The government certainly had no problem taking her against her will to receive pregnancy counseling, which was designed to change her mind,” Chutkan said. “The government didn’t seem to have any problem facilitating that.”

The lawsuit was filed in 2006. He lost his teaching license in 2008.

Precocious Pipsqueak Purloins Prince’s Popcorn

No!!! Then it is just a cruel joke! I tried your fried okra. It started out crispy, but then, my GOD! the slimy center.

* stunned into silence by this response *

I’d be willing to bet that he often uses that age gap to override her opinions, preferences, and hesitations.

James Woods, like most of his unhinged brethren, exists only in opposition to ideas. Entirely incapable of advancing the human condition or articulating arguments for anything, they can only scream, “No!” in the face of progress and obstruct the work of others.

The one lynx didn’t accept the other lynx’s invitation on Lynxed-in. Lynx are big networkers.