
Replace petty with pathetic and it still works!

Here’s how to spot the difference between Star Trek, Star Wars and Avatar. Go up to anybody on the street, and ask them to name two characters from Avatar.

it just makes me so mad that they’re yipping away at Zuck and Meta over trafficking concerns when there are ACTUAL sex traffickers in the GOP House and Senate. like, WHAT?! that MTG basically showed explicit photos on the House floor that can be seen by children. the fire is INSIDE the damn house, Republicans!

It doesn’t matter that it was private. It doesn’t matter that it was potentially a joke. What *does* matter is the staggering cost of incorrectly ignoring a real terrorist threat, in millions of dollars and countless lives. Whereas the cost of over-reacting to a joke is a few hundred thousand dollars and jail time for


from the companies he built*??

The guy is literally as powerful as a nation state. He’s setting his own foreign policy, breaking laws, eroding democracy, spreading disinformation, ruining lives, enabling fascists and literal nazis and runs the largest most effective global propaganda system on earth.

Nope, a dipshit like him deserves all the attention he craves.

Maybe if he stopped pitching them up to be hit...

I’d actually like to see more!

I want this but I don’t want to upgrade to windows 11. Decisions decisions

Look, the blunt truth is this:

We all know who Cameron is. And we all remember how Avatar was an effects spectacle with pretty much nothing else going for it creatively. “Excellent”? Technically, sure. Story, characters, performances, setting, pacing? It’s at about the level of a low-tier Pixar movie. And way below Cameron’s previous efforts, which

Fuck you people are fucking insane

See you tomorrow at this site that you hate.

Collectively, we are the internet, and we ARE that stupid. For god’s sake, Vladimir Putin got the UK to leave the European Union and got Trump elected as the US President. Thank you, Twitter!

It definitely looks worse if you cut your quote off just after the actual statistic, which is “63% of U.S. adults surveyed by Pew Research earlier this year said they would not want to ride in a driverless car if they had the opportunity.” That’s not absurd - it’s actual data.

Putos idiotas youtubers con sus videos estúpidos.
No se puede andar en bici por esas vías, y menos con un dron.
Ojalá la próxima lo asalten, lo atropelle un carro, o le de covid para que aprenda.

¿A esa bola de imbesiles que les pasa?

Gracias, me ha abierto usted los ojos.