Both are linked inline?
Both are linked inline?
She called it the “gas of life.” If she can’t stand by her own statements, then who can we trust?
Put her in a small room, fill it up with carbon dioxide, let her “live” for ten minutes. Repeat with next candidate.
What do you mean “IF”? This has been done to Hillary a thousand times over. Have you never been on the Internet before?
The Whataboutism is strong with this one.
If this was done to Hillary or, any other woman, liberals would be in the streets, dressed as vaginas and calling for the death of the cartoonist and the TV show host
Good Lord you are stupid. If you don’t know why all the fuss, you haven’t been paying attention for the last 20 years.
Man, what a complete asshat. Trump sucks too.
Espero por las barbas del buen Darwin que las autoridades no se interpongan y dejen que la selección natural haga su trabajo
Really sick of seeing that sexist asshole’s stupid fucking face. Can we just not? Quit giving him any press attention.
Ugh. Grow up, dumbshit.
oh fuck off
Seriously. Do they have rules or not? Enforce the rules equally and fairly, Twitter.
No era que las vulnerabilidades no afectaban a Apple? XD
Spot on. Thanks.
Smoke and mirrors and talking points. They know very well that in-person voter fraud does not exist. Period, end of sentence. It is statistically insignificant, smaller than Trump’s button. But they don’t care.
Good. I teach in a school. We take them away when kids arrive. It’s a pain to take them, a pain to give them back, and the only thing worse than that exhausting process is to be a teacher in one of the buildings that don’t take them away. It would be better if they didn’t bring the goddamn things anyway. What’s the…
Tiempo de resucitar memes..
La culpa nunca es del juego ni de la app (como Whatsapp o Twitter antes de esto). La gente es increíblemente estúpida.
Ayer un charmander cp 80 me costó 7 superballs y 5 bayas... y lo de los ataques totalmente cierto, no sabes nunca lo que va a salir.