
Does this mean he is going to give back the extra money he made because of these tax payer funded stadiums?


Looks like they could at least deploy the off road helicopters.

So what, he sits out the 1st half of the next game? This is football, right.

This put this on the back of them. Then the religious right will be on board.

This, this, this, this. The good thing is you wouldn’t have it for long.

1797 was a rough year.

So not content with the liberal war on Christmas, now the Baptist are trying to put the nail in the head of it.

Slurp Fans

Seattle Police Officer Nic Abts-Olsen was prepared to the elderly man go with a

That’s rude. He was just asking a question.

Night 1: 1:11 am. I wake up to an old phone ringing. Look to the window on my left and the sound is coming from behind me at the door. I roll over and I see it standing in the door. It was darker than the night so it was just a black shape with white eyes. I decided to ignore it and rolled back over and went back to