Adam Workman

Whenever I think of The Ocarina of Time, it reminds me of Christmas. It was Christmas of 98 and I was a jr in high school. That year there was a terrible ice storm and we got an extra two weeks off for Christmas break and it was so bad I had a perfect excuse to not even go outside. I played it so much I could hear

I totally get it, there are plenty of songs that I hate, and I am sure if you searched my twitter feed or facebook page, I have bitched about numerous songs or movies, tv shows, whatever.  Maybe it's just the idealist in me that doesn't like to see these artistic types succumbing to the same bad habits as a mere

Not what I am saying by any means.  I haven't particularly cared for any of these songs from this column.  It just all seems very "Soundgrden SUX! LOL" to me.  Some of them have at least given legit reasons, Scott Ian doesn't like Morrisy's voice, the lead singer of Third Eye Blind was an asshole, or the message

There is something about this column that really bothers me.  It just seems like comment section or twitter, where everyone is trying to out snark each other. Something about artists ripping on other artists just really bothers me, no matter how shitty they think the end product is.  I even felt this way when I was in