Adam Williamson

The article, uh, literally calls it "good natured".

…yet he works, apparently, on the eighth floor of an office building. I can't help thinking that was a *very* poor place to site a large animal veterinary office. I'm hoping at least they have some sort of specialized elevator.

Drug dealers, nothing. It's the strippers who really have it hard.


In other hilarious mix-ups, he had to be reminded by a Fox News anchorcritter which country he'd just bombed the shit out of.

"mild dyslexia and a lot of not-so-mild Trader Joe's scotch."

The Motion Picture Ass. of America, you mean?

This arc has been a lot of fun so far. The only thing I've really got to complain about is that Daisy and Jemma seem to have become, well, mysteriously freaking incompetent for Convenient Plot Purposes. I mean, Daisy is our resident super hacker; would she *really* tool around the HQ of the secret police organization

Who knew Family Guy was doing the world of small-town journalism such sterling service?

Obligatory (fine, maybe it's only obligatory in my house):

Where am I and why the hell are all these weird little pictures showing up on my ticker tape machine?!

"I know that a pizza with feta cheese, real kalamata olives, and high quality cheese is better"

It depends heavily on the city. A "hotel restaurant" at a five star hotel in Paris is…not exactly the same thing as the bar-n-grill at the Best Western in Springfield (any Springfield. Doesn't matter.)

There is a picture of the pigeon at the bottom of the article.

Well, for a start, they're not. It's a suit if the jacket and the trousers are made from the same fabric. I can't see dude on the left very clearly, but dude on the right is clearly wearing jeans.

"Take my child. No, really - take him."

Have you been on…any plane…in the last, oh, twenty years or so?

Well, sure, but being less-bad is still worse than being *good*. It's not like this is a very significant story, but still. The facts outlined above are pretty basic stuff that anyone could've checked in about ten minutes, if they'd bothered. Domain registration records are public information that you can look up on a

"Reason’s Jacob Sullum notes that the story was disseminated as widely as it was because it jibes with what we know about the president"

Different people like different things, you know. There's about fifty different types of 'pizza' and some people like some and some like others. You can't really say American chain style pizza is *bad*, exactly. It's its own whole genre of food. It's not the same thing as any of the major Italian types of pizza, or