Adam Williamson

This has been Unreliable Internet Factoid Minute!

Little-known fact: it's actually specified in an obscure RFC as a means of connection keep-alive. Any time you don't do anything on the internet for more than two seconds, each end of the connection sends a creepy Jared Leto picture to the other. Of course, this means every couple of years or so, a crack team of

"No one is hiring Nicholas Hoult to wear daisy dukes and slowly lean over
a car bonnet while the camera slowly pans up his sweaty body."

d) all of the above

the sad thing is, no such person needs to exist for Barneys to sell these.


he's on the right track for sure. next stop, paint the bedroom black and buy a guitar.

Wait, the economics - hell, the thermodynamics - of that just don't make any sense at all. If they can afford to give the delicious food away for free in the first place why not just burn the food for energy and skip the extremely inefficient process of humans processing it into fat?

Don't worry, I think there's a support group you can join…

For Our Consideration: The Laurel Canyon Sound, No Seriously This Time Guys, Guys? Wait, Guys, Come Back!

I suppose in a sense you could say it's already been a talk show *and* a detective drama…

"Barrymore on its own is a good name, but it sounds more like a detective drama than a talk show."

"While British Rail
has been defunct for nearly 20 years, “British rail” is still slang for
a stale, unappetizing sandwich, in memory of the rail lines’ dismal

this movie gets an eternal pass from me for the frankly brilliant trailer tagline - "it takes a little Hart and a big Johnson". whoever thought that one up will live forever in the same valhalla that the best British tabloid headline writers get to go to.

executive summary: B+

add one more! I played Beautifulgarbage just yesterday in fact. Fantastic album all the way through.

y'know, not to hijack anything, but I saw an incredibly squirm-inducing bit on a baseball broadcast last night where the Phillies mascot walked into the commentary booth and basically made fun of one of the commentators' weight for like two minutes straight (by 'hilariously' passing him more and more sandwiches),

I don't think "relented" means what you think it means.

"Also included in the new planned slate of shows are the historical time-travel drama Magi, and two animated manga adaptations: a “teenage rom-com” called Baby Steps"

Er. Doom generally ran at pretty low FPS for everyone when it was released. Almost no-one had a system capable of reaching Doom's maximum FPS (which is 35). Most systems - a typical system at the time was a 386DX - would run it at around 15-20 in most areas, dropping to 10 in large areas or when many monsters were