Adam Williamson

"Which, uh, yeah. A lot has got a lot better in 23 years - in absolute
terms any number of FPS games since have surely been better."

" The Steam version lets you use "modern" controls, with the mouse to shoot and WASD to steer"

that's idkfa.

The thing about Doom at the time is that there literally had not been a game like it in some very specific ways. Wolf3D and other very early FPSes had many of the basic mechanics, but there are a couple of very specific things which make the atmosphere of Doom entirely different from that of Wolf3D and similar

The petunia / junior couplet is frankly just showing off.

Wait, what the hell? Complaining about GJI is basically the unofficial AV Club national sport yet somehow today I get murdered for it? Bad job, commentariat.

me? nope, I quit watching at the start of season 4. I just hate these 'ooh look some person on the internet predicted X!' articles, because they're lazy as hell, you could do them about anything. The worst is when you get them about stock picks - 'here's some guy who bought a bunch of Microsoft shares in 1982!' or

news flash, internet: *there's millions of fucking people on you*. At least one of them has predicted just about *everything*. You can always go back and find someone who happened to 'predict'…just about anything. Unless any of 'em then went on to 'predict' the next five things, it's entirely meaningless.

I'm just reporting the facts, dude. No need to get angry. You can choose to care about the rules or not, but the classic rules are, it's still evening wear. It's just warm weather evening wear. It's also *not* only for 'wearing outside'. Note that Bond's wearing it for an *evening meal*, *on a train*. And in the other

Maybe read a little closer? Here, let me make it easy for you. You said:

Nope. Let's clear this up:

"Brewer now says he’s being bullied by Schumer’s fans, and claims he only
did “what every other fan would have done if they would have seen one
of their celebrities.”"

I just loved the beautifully timed/edited "are we still doing…" in the background (Pam or Carol?) the second time 'two holes' came up…

Breaking news! Due to overwhelming demand, a new show has been added to the schedule - 4/23: Aisle 6, Walmart, Boise

"South Park did a strong job critiquing this dilemma in its “Douche And Turd” episode, too—but The Simpsons did it first, and did it best."

By my definition of 'easter egg', yes it does. An 'easter egg' is some kind of cute hidden behaviour introduced for no practical purpose. Something that's there to help testers get past an annoying section of the game isn't an 'easter egg', as it has a practical purpose.

I kinda suspect this was put in to help testers, rather than being an 'easter egg' exactly.

kombucha or GTFO.

Mullet Jesus, the worst jesus?

"I wish Jarvis in a tuxedo surrounded by Dottie, Whitney, and Ana as his
showgirl companions was a bigger part of the musical number."