Adam Williamson

Also has an absolutely killer soundtrack - for anyone who isn't aware, "The Venus in Furs" were actually Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, David Gray(!), Bernard Butler, and Andy Mackay. Hell of a band to pull together for some Roxy Music covers. I just love Yorke's 'lounge crooner' voice.

bingo, my thoughts pretty much exactly - that and the fact that it was screamingly obviously done the wrong way around ("we want to have this clever-clever voice mail, damn, how can we make it work…")

In a bold think-outside-the-box move, Johnny Manziel will be playing left field next season.

I have a soft spot for the B.C. Lions' former third-string quarterback, Zac Champion. With that kinda name, though, you've kinda got to win the big game! THE BIG GAME

"Line of the week goes to, “Oh my God, No. Stop it. No! No!”, which had
to hold the crucial clue without sounding, for the first dozen
playbacks, that she was using her brother’s nickname."

Well, no, it's not. It's "about" a flag exactly as much as, I dunno, Umbrella is about umbrellas. It uses the flag as a symbol and a focal point, but it's really *about* an engagement in a war the U.S. lost, pretty badly. That makes much more sense!

According to Wikipedia, Kill The President was on the 1995 re-release, it was only dropped in the 2001 re-press. (Yes, I looked this up. I had a very slow afternoon. Sue me.) I'm pretty sure that's right, because my copy was the 1995 one (with the new cover) and I'm pretty sure it had Kill The President on it.

It was, until Herman's accident.

Mine is that I kept buying Offspring albums all the way up to Splinter. I don't know if I ever actually listened to it. The other week I played Dookie and thought "hey, this isn't bad". Then I played the first five minutes of Smash and thought "what the hell was wrong with teenage me".

it's a GoPro. You can't really change the angle of the shot. As the article notes, he 'strapped it to his chest', and it's facing more or less straight forwards. If you watch the entire video, the angle never changes, no matter who or what he's looking at.

"It’s impossible to say what Mr. Minow would make of Peak TV"

I thought it was pretty heavily implied that he was the bad apple who brought down Luke's new Jedi training wheeze and caused him to disappear. But I don't think there was anything to indicate just how much training he actually got.

some places have made it a dollar, which I guess isn't much more of a barrier. but still, it's the reason!

no, the reason why this happens (all over the place, it's extremely common) is because people steal the carts. overthinking: think before you do it!

a7x fan in actually-helpful-advice shocker? still, that seems like an odd whiskey/meth ratio…

It's really not, because there's a significant difference in structure. Gambling / wagering is always a zero-sum game: for anyone to win, someone has to lose. Investment isn't: it's possible for everyone to win.

I recall reading an article about how certain video poker machines can reliably be played for a small long-term profit if you know exactly how to do it, and the weird Vegas people who did it. It sounded like the worst minimum-wage job *ever*.

- No-one, ever

The point is that if you're going to advocate for a sustained industry wide campaign to invest lots of money in improved video quality, it makes a great deal more sense to spend it on improving digital projection than on a dead-end film system that's notoriously difficult to work with.