"rapidly changing sexual morays"
"rapidly changing sexual morays"
"I'd rather see some young/promising talent that usually doesn't get national exposure"
You know, until this article placed them in sufficiently close proximity, I think I've been working on the basis that Howard Hawks and Howard Hughes were the same person.
wait, so ripping actual CDs to FLAC and storing them as files in an artist/album hierarchy on my NAS makes me a 'music nerd' not just some kind of neandarthal? score!
aw, how'd I miss that one.
Agent Evil And Loving It
Agent Medium Rare, But Crispy
"Brosnan, who once presided over a two-hour Bond movie where an evil Ted
Turner wannabe tried to start a world war to boost his cable news
Given that there are already Buckley albums with versions of most of these songs (several are on Live At Sin-E, for e.g.) it seems more like an album of unreleased recordings than an album of unreleased songs. Which, eh, I think we hit the point of diminishing returns several posthumous albums ago.
I might be forgetting one, but as far as I remember, no Bond has ever worn one of those awful, awful American attached wing-collar shirts. Think of it as a hint, American movie critics!
American Horror Story: American Horror Story Writers' Room
I'm pretty sure there must be some language in which 'terrigen' is an anagram for 'fuck you, Fox'.
Agent Really Phoning It In This Week
There was an article on great prop bets I read once. Poker players are famous for it. I don't remember who, but someone cleaned up by betting he could drive a golf ball a mile then doing it on a frozen lake…
I was kinda surprised a professional basketball player is only 2.5x as likely to make a half-court shot as some random mook from the audience. I mean, half the audience members could barely throw the damn ball that far.
The idea is that when a hitter fouls a ball off in a particular way, it indicates that he was very very close to hitting it perfectly - i.e. the timing and general swing shape was right on, he just barely missed the contact point. It's an idea I'm pretty sure I've heard a lot of other announcers use, but for a casual…
But Steadicams don't just want to fuck around. They'd rather go steady.
"I’m just going to assume that Simmons’ phone has some sort of Stark Tech
battery that lasts for months on end because that’s probably one of the
least far-fetched things in a superhero universe."
Sure, but then it doesn't really matter whether the name 'James Bond' is a code name, does it? I guess in a sense I'm agreeing with you, there's no need for a theory to explain anything, and whether 'James Bond' is the character's 'real' name or not seems entirely irrelevant.
"How hard is it to deal with the idea that different actors have played the same character in a series of adaptations?"
jeez, yeah, FINALLY. late job, internet.