
Yes, Ultraviolet is comfortably superior to every single show on this list, bar only maybe Buffy and Angel and possibly What We Do in the Shadows (all of which are less consistent, but Ultraviolet is only 6 episodes so it’s hard to judge completely fairly).

To be fair that was really only Buffy’s thing in the first season and maybe extending into the second a bit. By around Season 3 she’s fully embraced her destiny and even gets protective of her role when other Slayers show up. 

I think it was more like a quarter billion, but still a lot of money (Star Citizen just crossed the half-billion mark, the first video game to do so).

He also has form. The development of Freelancer also turned into a fiasco with massive feature creep and constantly receding release dates, but at least then he had Microsoft to reign him in (and the only reason he made that game and its sister title StarLancer at Microsoft is because Electronic Arts had gotten tired

Cyberpunk 2077 also may have been announced in late 2012, around the same time as Star Citizen, but they’ve also admitted the game wasn’t much more than concept art and that original trailer until after work on The Witcher 3's second expansion finished in 2016, so the game we eventually got in late 2020 was really

Valve went pretty hard on that for a while (Half-Life 2 feels like the first major game with a developer’s commentary, although I’m sure there’s more obscure examples), but I don’t think it caught on too much with other companies.

I’m fully expecting horses to be in GTA6, some sort of side-quest about horse racing or something. “Oh, you thought we’d waste all the horse ball tech? You were wrong. These horse balls cost a million dollars and three divorces. We’re doubling down on the horse balls.

I remember with Red Dead Redemption 1 they had to hack the engine hard to make things like riding horses even work, and some of the people who did that left and the people left behind had absolutely no idea how to keep it working so they bodged it and used work-arounds to the point that the source code was so

Based on various comments over the years, it seems that Rockstar at one point had multiple teams capable of making multiple games simultaneously: they had GTA4 and its DLC, Red Dead Redemption 1, LA Noire and Max Payne 3 in development simultaneously, or close to simultaneously, and the RDR team apparently moved onto

Yes, but there was a huge (and I do mean titanic) number of unreasonable fans who were 100% convinced, and saying so at length, that Bethesda had given up on the ES franchise and were chasing multiplayer money. It was insane, but there you go.

Announcing Cyberpunk 2077 when they only had concept art and a single proof-of-concept trailer was kind of dumb, although I think the main problem wasn’t announcing it in 2012, but going completely nuts with the marketing from May 2018 through December 2020 (during which time they released over 70 trailers, videos and

The only GTA game which doesn’t have a numeral is 2. GTA3, 4 and 5 all have numerals. Plus 6 is set in Vice City, so they can do some kind of GTA VIce gag.

Yup. RDO never really took off - well, not by the crazy standards of GTA Online anyway - so the long-term sales of RDR2 really depend on it having a great singleplayer story and gameplay, which fortunately it did. If GTAO ever winds down (which feels unlikely right now but give it another decade) and they ever shut

Dark Sun has definitely had a source book and setting material released far more recently. There hasn’t been a Greyhawk setting book released for 20 years. Some 5E stuff has flirted with Greyhawk (Mordekainen showing up a lot) but then Dark Sun races and references have also started popping up in recent material.

Year of the Rabbit was sadly underrated, and it was great because Berry actually didn’t play his normal type. He was working-class, didn’t break the accent and kept the weird diction out in favour of the most ludicrous lines.

In his advert voiceovers in Toast of London there is a relaxation of rules allowing swearing in late-night adverts, and Berry’s character takes to it with a gusto.

It feels on-brand for Matt Berry to be a pompous comedic character actor (although he did actually stop that when playing a working-class copper in late 19th Century London in Year of the Rabbit) but is also a genuinely talented musician and singer, not a comedic or joke one (even when Benedict Wong shows up randomly

Arkane released an image of their concept art including a timeline that starts with Death of the Outsider (tried to link but it broke the comment, so that’s working fine):

I think there’s an argument that Bethesda didn’t do a great job with FO3, but saying it’s not canonically set in the same universe is silly. They bought the IP, they can do what they want with it and declare it official, and we should remember that a subset of the fandom still hates Fallout 2 and doesn’t consider it a

It is worth noting that Deathloop is set in the Dishonored world and does indicate how things developed after DotO.