I sincerely hope you’re the devil guy with the horns.
I sincerely hope you’re the devil guy with the horns.
Listerine with whitening is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever used. It gives me the worst dry mouth and I can’t get rid of that taste.
Listerine with whitening is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever used. It gives me the worst dry mouth and I can’t…
That logo on the podium is the University of Miami.
But Italy won in 2006. Germany was the host.
When was the last time a country won the men’s and women’s world cup together (same year doesn’t sound right since the men’s WC was last year)? Seems like it’d be pretty rare to pull off.
Of course it was Miami. Of course.
They make alcohol free Listerine for the US market too, its called Listerine Zero. I use it, its pretty good.
They make alcohol free Listerine for the US market too, its called Listerine Zero. I use it, its pretty good.
Why is it so hard for computer games to get naval battles right? Every Total War game that has naval combat is utter trash.
Alexey Terekhov is a very Canadian name, don’t you know that??
That’s weird, I had no idea there was town named “Canada” in Russia. Kind of like Peru, New York I guess.
Correction: it would have been a good series if the Cavaliers struck the same luck with the injury gods that the Warriors did. Now they have to hope Irving heals up enough to play 35+ a game and LeBron learned something from having the Spurs put it to him last year.
The guy is already terrified of coming to the country because he’s afraid the FBI will be waiting on the tarmac. Now with some of the top execs getting arrested, this has to be a build up to getting charges to stick on that corrupt piece of shit.
That’s a very chill raid.
This is me right now.
I guess the San Jose PD don’t have to protect him anymore now that he’s playing for the Bears. Should have moved to Illinois, Ray.
You know, one of these days we’re going to have another Monica Seles incident and that’s going to ruin it for everyone. No more “close, intimate settings” We’ll all be sitting 30 feet in the air above the playing field because people can’t understand simple rules like “Don’t run onto the court/field.”
Could anyone give me some diagnostics on how those three point oriented teams are doing in the playoffs? Asking for a friend. Seriously. How’s it goink.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. You mean to tell me Josh Smith is bad at defense? Sir I protest.
This is a great photo.