Woo Hoo, hopefully this site wakes up and realises that legacy media cannot media wash anyone anymore! Go Elon and Tesla and USA!!!
Woo Hoo, hopefully this site wakes up and realises that legacy media cannot media wash anyone anymore! Go Elon and Tesla and USA!!!
Simple Fact Elon is good at what he does!! Saved 2 astronauts from boeing, made driving much greener, help things get paid for easier, freed up twitter/X and helps quadriplegics kind of move, lowering the cost of the internet. This is all of what you stand for but you hate on him because he is a Republican? I’m so…
It’s because Elon rocks!
Its because Elon Rocks!
It’s because Elon Rocks!!!!
Its because Elon Rocks!
Its because Elon Rocks and we love tesla
Wow No Victory Lap for the down fall of tesla? Regardless of CEO its always a shame when an American auto manufacturer is in trouble!
I’m actually shocked that there is no tesla hate here today!!!
The Left: You must all drive Electric cars.
The Left: You Must all drive Electric Cars By 2030
The whole EV issue makes me laugh!!
I actually like the updates to X and the FYP is pretty dam good! People who link political opinion to quality of service need to keep quite as they are simply wasting energy for the wrong reasons