Is that the one where Clint Eastwood saves a Hmong guy from a gang?
Is that the one where Clint Eastwood saves a Hmong guy from a gang?
I was thinking the same until I actually saw it. The whole look of the film looks embarrassing
I must have seen those first three Indiana Jones movies and those two Tim Burton Batman movies at least several dozen times each but I have absolutely no desire to see Indy 5 or The Flash.
I’m so glad TotK has reached the stage where it’s just a bunch of gamers bragging about how quickly they solved a puzzle and how stupid everyone else is. Wow, look at me I’m an adult who figured out a simple puzzle made for children. I’m so smart. Lovely community.
And it’s a distinct change of wardrobe for him. Throughout the series he’s been in slick suits or sharp casual/urban wear (even when he can’t exactly pull it off). The cardigan seemed very Logan-esque and not at all Kendall.
Kendall is going to get away with murder because massively wealthy people who walk away from a crime scene that is later covered up get away with murder. People get away with murder every year, all over the globe. It’s only on television that every character who does it receives actual comeuppance. And it’s only on…
While I don’t dispute there has been some sloppy writing, I don’t think the prison escape & the fact that the authorities didn’t know the details about Barry’s guilt were sloppy. Barry, while he can often not be that swift about things, has shown he is pretty good at thinking on his feet when a situation goes south. I…
really did you see the ending? If Barry has been absolved of his crimes how can helping him escape of prison be considered a crime? nobody came after her because they completely switched the narrative. that’s the whole subject of the episode.
It was a great moment. Especially since it showed the kids that they yet again had no idea what actually went on at the leadership of the company.
Kendall was screwed up so many times over the course of the show, I’m not sure how much you were paying attention if you don’t understand he is completely incompetent.
Man, it was all so sad, wasn’t it? I mean, the ending was the only logical ending but damn.
And if she turns out to be wrong, she’s still got her pay-out, so it’s definitely the lower risk option. With Kendall, she already_knows_ that he won’t listen to her; he might run the company into the ground and her stake will be worth nothing. Now she’s got the liquidity to reinvest into whatever seems more…
This. They know how to PRETEND to be smart, say the corporate buzz words at the right time, but when the rubber hit the road and they had to make an important decision,v they reverted back to children.
Maybe the word “idiot” is not helpful in this context. But they are clearly, from the beginning of the show to the end, massively, almost incomprehensibly incompetent.
Not one of them is capable, in any way, of functioning in either the real world or the business realm. Kendall screws up multiple attempts to take over…
Anyone worried about accountability should be upset about Fuches instead.
There are three huge problems with the current AI narrative that really need to be broken out:
Exactly this. Kendall finally becoming daddy’s boy, except only in the sense that he ensured he’s gonna die alone and mourning him is gonna be complicated because he sure as hell didn’t suddenly become a CEO rockstar, is poetic as hell. He never had it in him to be Logan Roy II, the money maker, but when it came to be…
“I get the sense that if nothing else, Matsson will be the smiling public cool guy and Tom will be the one needing to handle all the mass lay-offs and whatever.”
The way both Mencken AND Matsson outmaneuvered and played them in these final pivotal episodes confirms that yes, these are idiots playing a grown-up game they were never really ready for.
You caught me, I clearly loathe this TV show I have written 25,000 words about and given uniformly high scores to.