Adam J

And he was upfront about it! The article’s making it out like he went to the SMB guys and said “look, you’re gonna make Donkey Kong sound like me or I walk,” but it’s more like him saying “Look, any character I voice is just gonna sound like Seth Rogan, I have a pretty distinctive voice. Are you guys ok with that if

I don’t think he was ‘making demands’. He said ‘This is how I do my voice. If this is good for you, then cool.’ Blame the producers, if anyone. Seth was just upfront about how is performance would be and they still hired him despite that warning.

Eh, if he was really that self-aware, he wouldn’t be wasting his money and time with that pointless and futile presidential run, or trying to make Willa’s writing and producing career a thing. But in the process of both and as you correctly pointed out, he developed that self-awareness and therefore, strength. His

The show rarely asks the audience to see things through Logan’s perspective. Usually, we see him filtered though the people around him. When we saw him sitting alone and watching ATN in last week’s episode, it felt significant. I assumed it would lead to him blowing up the deal and screwing over the kids, because he

It’s been intimated that Connor’s mom had severe mental health issues and Logan essentially put her in a home, so it’s not surprising that, in contrast to his half siblings (and their sociopathic mother), that he’s fundamentally different than them.

In fact, he’s arguably the perfect example of learned helplessness.

I took the “trust her gut” bit was meant to be a dig at Logan because it came off the heels of Kendall saying he was trying to “make his own pile.” They’re just parroting things he’s said back at him to mock him and draw attention to his manipulation. Can’t remember when, but I’m pretty sure he’s had a “I’m going with

Free agent pro athletes will let $5 million decide where they’ll live and work. Personally, I feel like once the contract gets over $100 million (and way before that too, honestly), the money is the least important thing, and it’s all about deciding what city you want to go to, what team you want to play for, but for

Yeah, that’s why it was a throw-away plot point for fun. Of course she will find a suitable attorney without much ado. They have to get in moments of amusing pettiness to remind us how awful they all are.

I’m not sure they necessarily broke up. Feels like they were setting things up for a possible love triangle.

Wow, I really enjoyed this season. It felt like an actual continuation of the original series, unlike, say, when Arrested Development came back. It’s disappointing that it was only 6 episodes, but I’d rather be left wanting more than see it wear out its welcome. Really hope to see it come back for more, especially

Are you implying she’s the new Ted McGinley?  Because bruh, she’s got way more destruction ahead of her to reach that level of “we give up.”

If people think the MCU was hard to keep track of before, just wait until “maybe everyone you know is a shape-shifting alien” story kicks in. 

I mean this in the most positive possible way, but I am truly baffled as to how this show got a second season. It feels like a show for like 15 people that exit in the world and I’m one of them.  I am excited to have this back in my rotation. 

To this day, I still find myself sometimes yelling in a Spanish voice ‘Who, does not want to wear thee ribbon!”

They do!

Wouldn’t say the poster is the one who needs to chill...

Seinfeld is surprisingly unproblematic. Anytime it deals with dicey stuff from a 2023 perspective, it’s almost always one of the main characters that is the butt of the joke. Like when Elaine thinks she’s dating a Black guy, or the several times when George is afraid of seeming gay. The worst thing I can recall is

where the hell did you get, like, 90% of that from in the comment you’re replying to

Just imagine if the original comment was two sentences.